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Re^8: Windows installation woes

by soonix (Chancellor)
on Nov 04, 2021 at 10:27 UTC ( [id://11138416]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^7: Windows installation woes
in thread Windows installation woes

Group policy (-y, not -e) can block based on filename, or checksum, or allow running only "certified" (signed) programs. That depends on how the domain is configured. chafelix would have to ask their administrators about "Software Restriction Policies", or use an exempt computer for this.

An alternative might be to have gmake.exe signed (by someone recognized by chafelix's organization) or explicitly allowed.

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Re^9: Windows installation woes
by syphilis (Archbishop) on Nov 04, 2021 at 13:24 UTC
    Group policy (-y, not -e) can block based on filename, or checksum, or allow running only "certified" (signed) programs.

    Aaah ... yes, I wondered whether there might be something like this at play.
    It's something that's well and truly outside of my experience.
    Thanks for the info.


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