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Re: Windows installation woes

by Marshall (Canon)
on Nov 06, 2021 at 22:41 UTC ( [id://11138530]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Windows installation woes

I am not sure exactly what the issue with make is. However, perhaps I can provide some AS (Active State) assistance. I commented on a similar issue at Re: Perl5.26 installing Tk module manually. The whole thread got pretty involved. But basically, I created my own AS account, made a build with Tk in it and posted a link to that installable build. The OP was able to install it as reported at id:11132370.

Note that you can include cpanm in your AS build (if its not already there). That module will include the gcc compiler and dmake so that you can install modules yourself. However if you let AS do the complete build for you, you get a single "ready to go" MSI or EXE file. The AS installers didn't used to work when installing a new version on top of an old version (well I guess more accurate would be that the installer "worked" but your new installation wouldn't!). I don't remember the release when that changed. But the installer is "smarter" now. Of course the safest thing is uninstall any Perl version and then run the install.

The new AS process has some pluses and minuses. One problem that this solves is "how do I clone my Perl installation and give it to you?". AS had some tools where I generated a file. You install the base version from the AS website and then you run a utility using my file. Then supposedly poof, you have all of my modules. There were issues with that. Now, I can give you an MSI file. I don't know how such a process works with Strawberry, if it even does?

Anyway, the new AS process does work. It feels weird because it is new. Once you have an installation, you can still use cpanm to install modules (provided that cpanm was in your build). PPM is no longer available. It takes the AS servers about 35 minutes to make a complete build.

Mileage varies. Hope that this helps you.

Update: I see that my link to the Version 5.26 with Tk doesn't work anymore. Not surprising since we are at 5.32 now. Read through my description and have a go at it yourself. If you are having trouble, I could refresh my recollection and make a 5.32 version for you.

Update: Wow. As has been doing a lot of changes since I last looked at this stuff! How to correct a failed build is not obvious at all. I did make a simple version 5.34 with basic Tk. My attempts to add some extra Tk zoom into the build failed. This is a public project and this Win 10 command line will install it if you want to try:

powershell -Command "& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClie +nt).DownloadString(' +stall.ps1'))) -activate-default marshall2/Perl-5.34.0-Windows0with-Tk +"
I see why anybody would have trouble with the procedure as it currently exists. the links to download just an MSI file or an EXE file don't exist anymore. I know nothing about powershell.

Another Update: First the build process is now seconds instead of minutes - that's good. I got this emailed message: "Good news! The Windows 10 x86 64-bit build for your Perl-5.34.0-Windows0with-Tk project has succeeded. Download the installer or use the State Tool on your command line to set up your runtime environment..."

I don't see any obvious way to download an MSI file from this.

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