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Re: Parse file and creating hashes

by talexb (Chancellor)
on Jan 08, 2022 at 15:31 UTC ( [id://11140270]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Parse file and creating hashes

I'm also not certain what you need, but here's what I pulled together from your description.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # 2022-0108: Read a CSV line w/ three elements, building a hash using # the third element and populated with the second element. use Data::Dumper; { my %hash; while (<DATA>) { s/\s+$//; my @w = split(/,/); push ( @{ $hash{ $w[2] } }, $w[1] ); } print Dumper ( \%hash ); } __DATA__ 702005010554291,5016554291,7020000023F22 702005010524898,5016524898,70200000441E0 702005010660208,5016660208,7020000033FD0 702005010509777,5016509777,7020000033FF0 702005010633781,5016633781,7020000024092 702005010616472,5016616472,7020000043FE2 310005010601516,5016601516,7020000044201 702005010526097,5016526097,7020000013EB1 702005010681238,5016681238,7020000044052 702005010551103,5016551103,7020000023F12 702005010625010,5016625010,7020000023F51
This produces the following results:
$VAR1 = { '7020000023F51' => [ '5016625010' ], '7020000044052' => [ '5016681238' ], '7020000033FD0' => [ '5016660208' ], '7020000044201' => [ '5016601516' ], '7020000023F22' => [ '5016554291' ], '7020000043FE2' => [ '5016616472' ], '7020000024092' => [ '5016633781' ], '7020000013EB1' => [ '5016526097' ], '7020000023F12' => [ '5016551103' ], '7020000033FF0' => [ '5016509777' ], '70200000441E0' => [ '5016524898' ] };

Let us know if this is what you wanted.

Alex / talexb / Toronto

Thanks PJ. We owe you so much. Groklaw -- RIP -- 2003 to 2013.

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Re^2: Parse file and creating hashes
by PerlMonger79 (Sexton) on Jan 08, 2022 at 16:45 UTC
    Hello and thank you very much for your time dedicated to my plea for help. I would like a script that would use the following data and output the following.
    702005010683593,5016683593,7020000024140 702005010640383,5016640383,7020000024150 310005010532143,5016532143,7020000034001 702005010637702,5016637702,7020000034001 702005010608274,5016608274,7020000034013 702005010608274,5016608274,7020000034013 310005010609604,5016609604,7020000034013 702005010510869,5016510869,7020000034013 702005010551513,5016551513,7020000034130 702005010551513,5016551513,7020000034130 702005010679719,5016679719,7020000034222 702005010527052,5016527052,7020000034222 702005010645458,5016645458,7020000034222
    Logical processing of he info ...
    $VAR1 = { '7020000024140' => [ '5016683593' ], '7020000024150' => [ '5016640383' ], '7020000034001' => [ '5016532143','5016637702' ], '7020000034013' => [ '5016608274','5016608274','5016609604','5016510869' ], '7020000034130' => [ '5016551513',5016551513' ], '7020000034222' => [ '5016679719','5016527052','5016645458' ] };
    As I mentioned earlier the data is thousands of lines above is the logical processing of the info as I would treat it. In the end ONLY the array with numbers repeating more than 30 times would be printed as an output. For this sample purpose, I'm using arrays with numbers repeating more than once.
    $VAR1 = { '7020000034013' => [ '5016608274' ], '7020000034130' => [ '5016551513' ] };
    I apologize if I'm am not clear, I'm really trying to be as clear as I can with my explanation since I really need the help.
      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # use warnings; my %answer; while( <DATA> ) { my (undef, $two, $three) = split /,|\n/; $answer{$three}{$two}++; } my $thirty = 1; # FIXME 1 for testing, should be 30 for my $href ( values %answer) { delete @{$href}{ grep $href->{$_} <= $thirty, keys %$href } } delete @answer{ grep 0 == %{ $answer{$_} }, keys %answer }; $_ = [ keys %$_ ] for values %answer; use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd \%answer; __DATA__ 702005010683593,5016683593,7020000024140 702005010640383,5016640383,7020000024150 310005010532143,5016532143,7020000034001 702005010637702,5016637702,7020000034001 702005010608274,5016608274,7020000034013 702005010608274,5016608274,7020000034013 310005010609604,5016609604,7020000034013 702005010510869,5016510869,7020000034013 702005010551513,5016551513,7020000034130 702005010551513,5016551513,7020000034130 702005010679719,5016679719,7020000034222 702005010527052,5016527052,7020000034222 702005010645458,5016645458,7020000034222


      { "7020000034013" => [5016608274], "7020000034130" => [5016551513] }

      Here's another way...

      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # use warnings; my $file = <<END; 702005010683593,5016683593,7020000024140 702005010640383,5016640383,7020000024150 310005010532143,5016532143,7020000034001 702005010637702,5016637702,7020000034001 702005010608274,5016608274,7020000034013 702005010608274,5016608274,7020000034013 310005010609604,5016609604,7020000034013 702005010510869,5016510869,7020000034013 702005010551513,5016551513,7020000034130 702005010551513,5016551513,7020000034130 702005010679719,5016679719,7020000034222 702005010527052,5016527052,7020000034222 702005010645458,5016645458,7020000034222 END open my $fh, '<', \$file or die; # FIXME change for your file my $thirty = 1; # FIXME 1 for testing, should be 30 my (%answer, %lines); $lines{ /,(.+)/ ? $1 : die "bad data <$_>" }++ while <$fh>; for ( keys %lines ) { my ($value, $key) = split ','; $lines{$_} > $thirty and push @{ $answer{$key} }, $value; } use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd \%answer;
        Hello, Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate it. I hate to bother ask, but is there a way to output without the use of Data::Dump? The issue is that the server where the script is hosted is on a private lan network which does not have access to the internet, I need to vpn in to work on it remotely, so I cannot install the module on the server. That's why I had the module use Excel::Writer::XLSX; because I was going to output to excel file as a report. I couldn't test the script. :(
        Thank you very much. I really appreciate all your help. With this part of the script done, I can continue with the other parts. Thanks again and God bless. :)
        The data in the text file is the same as before. Nothing different. The error i get is.

        bad data </home/vlr/archive/temp.txt> at ./ line 32, <$fh> line 1.

        These are my codes.
        #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Text::ParseWords; my $dir = "/home/vlr/archive/"; my $date = "20211201"; chomp($date); # Check directory for relevant files opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Could not open ".$dir."\n"; my @dir = grep(/^USRINF.*.$date.*.1700.txt$/, readdir DIR); closedir DIR; my $file = $dir."temp.txt"; open my $FH, '>', $file; foreach $_(sort @dir){ my $DFile = $dir.$_; print "Processing: ".$DFile."\n"; # Open Data File and parse each line open my $DF, '<', $DFile or die "Can't open $DFile $!"; foreach $_ (<$DF>){ chomp( $_ ); if((length $_ > 0)&&($_ =~ /^\d{15}/)){ $_ =~ s/\s+/;/g; my($imsi,$mdn,$sec) = (quotewords('[\t;]+|,\s', 0, $_))[0, +1,3]; if((($imsi =~ /^\d{15}/)&&($imsi =~ /^(702|310)/))&&(($mdn + =~ /^\d{10}/)&&($mdn =~ /^(501)/))){ print $FH $imsi.",".$mdn.",".$sec."\n"; } } } close $DF; } close $FH;
        Then I would like to call the text file with your code.
        #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my $dir = "/home/vlr/archive/"; my $file = $dir."temp.txt"; open my $fh, '<', \$file or die; # FIXME change for your file my $thirty = 1; # FIXME 1 for testing, should be 30 my (%answer, %lines); $lines{ /,(.+)/ ? $1 : die "bad data <$_>" }++ while <$fh>; for ( keys %lines ) { my ($value, $key) = split ','; $lines{$_} > $thirty and push @{ $answer{$key} }, $value; } open my $FH, '>', 'output.txt'; print $FH Dumper(\%answer); close $FH;
        Hi again. When I run your script it works fine, but when I try to call a text file from the directory where the data is previously stored I get the "bad data" error. Is there something I changed which is causing this error? How can I use the data from a called text file?
        #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # use warnings; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my $dir = "/home/vlr/archive/"; my $file = $dir."temp.txt"; open my $fh, '<', \$file or die; # FIXME change for your file my $thirty = 1; # FIXME 1 for testing, should be 30 my (%answer, %lines); $lines{ /,(.+)/ ? $1 : die "bad data <$_>" }++ while <$fh>; for ( keys %lines ) { my ($value, $key) = split ','; $lines{$_} > $thirty and push @{ $answer{$key} }, $value; } open my $FH, '>', 'output.txt'; print $FH Dumper(\%answer); close $FH;
        Hi, I don't think it is reading the text file. This was the output.

        $VAR1 = {};

        Thanks for taking the time to help.
      This is the script I have so far.
      #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Text::ParseWords; use POSIX qw/strftime/; use Excel::Writer::XLSX; my $dir = "/home/vlr/archive/"; my $date = "20211201"; # Check directory for relevant files opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Could not open ".$dir."\n"; my @dir = grep(/^USRINF.*.$date.*.1700.txt$/, readdir DIR); closedir DIR; my %btssec; foreach $_(sort @dir){ my $DFile = $dir.$_; print "Processing: ".$DFile."\n"; # Open Data File and parse each line open my $DF, '<', $DFile or die "Can't open $DFile $!"; foreach $_ (<$DF>){ chomp( $_ ); if((length $_ > 0)&&($_ =~ /^\d{15}/)){ $_ =~ s/\s+/;/g; my($imsi,$mdn,$sec) = (quotewords('[\t;]+|,\s', 0, $_))[0, +1,3]; if((($imsi =~ /^\d{15}/)&&($imsi =~ /^(702|310)/))&&(($mdn + =~ /^\d{10}/)&&($mdn =~ /^(501)/))){ #print $imsi.",".$mdn.",".$sec."\n"; =pod # The part below is the part of the script I need help with to p +rocess the parsed data whose output I'm posted as the snippet to proc +ess. if(!exists($btssec{$sec})){ print "New key:" . $sec ."\n"; $btssec{$sec} = $mdn; }elsif(exists($btssec{$sec})){ #push( @{$btssec{$sec}}, $mdn ); } =cut } } } close $DF; print "$_\n" for keys %btssec; }
      For now, the script I have in POD sucks it's not doing what I thought it would do. (sigh).

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