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Re^2: Can't locate Convert/

by pryrt (Abbot)
on Jul 25, 2022 at 15:15 UTC ( [id://11145713]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Can't locate Convert/
in thread Can't locate Convert/

hippo said,
Have you read A guide to installing modules for Win32?

That guide is completely focused on ppm, which was mostly an ActiveState thing. Back in 2005, that was solid advice, since there was no Strawberry Perl yet, and ActiveState was still using ppm. But I thought that AS had moved away from that, and while Strawberry ships a ppm client, syphilis suggested in Re: Windows installation woes that ppm repositories have all but disappeared, and I cannot remember having used Strawberry's ppm since I started using Strawberry (which was at least 8 years ago).

mallett76 said,

So, I went to C:\Perl_Newest\bin and double clicked on the CPAN batch file. It brought me to a command shell. Then it asked if I wanted to overwrite the lock on the C:\Perl_New

That sounds like your CPAN.bat client in c:\Perl_newest\bin is still configured to install things in C:\Perl_new\, which is just a bad configuration on your part. I haven't really used the default CPAN client much, so I don't remember how to configure that specific setting, though IIRC o conf is the way to get started in changing CPAN configuration.

But which version/distribution of Perl are you using on your Windows machine? Is it a Strawberry? If so, is it an "installed" version that you rebased to c:\perl_newest, or did you just unzip the portable into c:\perl_newest? With Strawberry, I've found the easiest way to install Perl modules is using cpanm, not the default CPAN.bat client. If you are on Strawberry, I would suggest cpanm Convert::BER to try to install that module.

Or are you using an ActiveState distribution? Or did you compile your own? Which distro you are using , and whether you have cpanm or one of the other alternate CPAN clients available, determines the best advice to give to you. Sharing your perl -v will help us help you, as will the results of where perl & where cpan & where cpanm

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Re^3: Can't locate Convert/
by hippo (Archbishop) on Jul 25, 2022 at 16:07 UTC
    Back in 2005, that was solid advice, ...

    I'm sensing that this tutorial isn't as relevant as it once was. Would it be beneficial for someone familiar with MSWin32 to put together a more modern document to cover this important topic? Or has MS come far enough that the standard A Guide to Installing Modules is all the modern MSWin32 user needs?


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