If you are using at least Perl 5.10, the Module::Load module should be in core. It would allow an implementation something like this:
# Arguments are city code ('lon' or 'par') and an environment ('prod'
# 'test')
use Module::Load qw{ load };
sub load_database_module {
my ( $city, $envir ) = @_;
state $city_map = {
lon => 'London',
par => 'Paris',
state $envir_map = {
prod => 'Production',
test => 'Test',
state $type_map = [ qw{ Prod` Test } ];
or die "Invalid city '$city'";
or die "Invalid envir '$envir'";
my $class = sprintf 'App::%s::%s::LogTable', $city_map->{$city},
load( $class );
return $class;