ait has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello ye monks!

UPDATE: the time seems to be proportional to the number of rows. The 2-3 second timing is for a table with 450 rows and 12 columns.
On a table with 120 rows, it's less than a second. Speculating: it would seem that relative to node xpath has some bug and may be scanning the whole table each time.

Anybody out there have any clue why this takes 2 to 3 seconds:

my @cells = $mech->xpath('.//td', node => $rows[$row_index]);

Posted the issue here.
I posted the issue here:

But answers and wisdom usually come faster in the Monastery ;-)

If anyone knows a cheaper way to get the TDs of a TD using WWW::Mechanize::Chrome or have any other suggestion pls. do tell !

