A few key steps off the top of my head are:
Make sure your directory stucture on the W2K server is identical inso far as the web server is concerned.
Check the modules you are using and make certain they exist on your W2K Perl.
Check for external commands that might be called via backticks or system, etc. Those progs may not exist in W2K by default.
Permissions are a pain to translate over. Make them very restrictive during testing and open things up as you go.
But, the short answer is "not so much", unless you're also changing web servers, say from Apache to IIS (ew!). That's a whole 'nother nest of hornets IMHO, but some well worded
Super Searches sould help here. I would also recommend going with
ActiveState's perl distribution, if for no other reasons than the wide proliferation of it and the Perl Package Manager.
Apply yourself to new problems without preparation, develop confidence in your ability to to meet situations as they arrise.