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bug or curly bracket hell?

by MoodyDreams999 (Beadle)
on Jan 05, 2023 at 17:39 UTC ( [id://11149362]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

MoodyDreams999 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm pretty new to perl, I have been struggling with my own code I made. It works but i had to change some things and now I keep getting "can't call method "deseriredCompressionLevel" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl/5.18.2/Archive/Zip/ line 256, <FH> line 20497, I've been working on this for days, I would appreciate some wisdom or direction.
#path to astguiclient configuration file: $PATHconf = '/etc/astguiclient.conf'; open(conf, "$PATHconf") || die "can't open $PATHconf: $!\n"; @conf = <conf>; close(conf); $i=0; foreach(@conf){ $line = $conf[$i]; $line =~ s/ |>|\n|\r|\t|\#.*|;.*//gi; if ( ($line =~ /^PATHlogs/) && ($CLIlogs < 1) ) {$PATHlogs = $line; $PATHlogs =~ s/.*=//gi;} if ( ($line =~ /^PATHsounds/) && ($CLIsounds < 1) ) {$PATHsounds = $line; $PATHsounds =~ s/.*=//gi;} if ( ($line =~ /^VARserver_ip/) && ($CLIserver_ip < 1) ) {$VARserver_ip = $line; $VARserver_ip =~ s/.*=//gi;} if ( ($line =~ /^VARDB_server/) && ($CLIDB_server < 1) ) {$VARDB_server = $line; $VARDB_server =~ s/.*=//gi;} if ( ($line =~ /^VARDB_database/) && ($CLIDB_database < 1) ) {$VARDB_database = $line; $VARDB_database =~ s/.*=//gi;} if ( ($line =~ /^VARDB_user/) && ($CLIDB_user < 1) ) {$VARDB_user = $line; $VARDB_user =~ s/.*=//gi;} if ( ($line =~ /^VARDB_pass/) && ($CLIDB_pass < 1) ) {$VARDB_pass = $line; $VARDB_pass =~ s/.*=//gi;} if ( ($line =~ /^VARDB_custom_user/) && ($CLIDB_custom_user < 1) ) {$VARDB_custom_user = $line; $VARDB_custom_user =~ s/.*=//gi +;} if ( ($line =~ /^VARDB_custom_pass/) && ($CLIDB_custom_pass < 1) ) {$VARDB_custom_pass = $line; $VARDB_custom_pass =~ s/.*=//gi; +} if ( ($line =~ /^VARDB_port/) && ($CLIDB_port < 1) ) {$VARDB_port = $line; $VARDB_port =~ s/.*=//gi;} $i++; } if (!$VARDB_port) {$VARDB_port='3306';} #use strict; use warnings; use Excel::Writer::XLSX; use DBI; use Time::Piece; use Math::Round; my $t = "" . $i; $dbhA = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$VARDB_database:$VARDB_server:$VAR +DB_port", "$VARDB_user", "$VARDB_pass") or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr; my $rowCount = 0; my $filename = "Output2022.xlsx"; my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( $filename ); open(FH, "<", "Debt.csv" ) or die; my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet('List'); my $worksheet2 = $workbook->add_worksheet('List2'); my $format = $workbook->add_format(); my $format1 = $workbook->add_format(); my $format2 = $workbook->add_format(); $format->set_center_across(); $format1->set_color( 'red' ); $format2->set_bold(); #proper format must be used for the file or it will give an error $worksheet->set_column( 8, 8, 20 ); $worksheet->set_column( 10, 10, 15 ); $worksheet->set_column( 4, 4, 18 ); $worksheet->set_column( 5, 5, 15 ); $worksheet->set_column( 12, 12, 65 ); $worksheet->write(0, 0, "source_id" ); $worksheet->write(0, 1, "first_name" ); $worksheet->write(0, 2, "middle" ); $worksheet->write(0, 3, "last_name" ); $worksheet->write(0, 4, "address1" ); $worksheet->write(0, 5, "city"); $worksheet->write(0, 6, "state"); $worksheet->write(0, 7, "postal_code"); $worksheet->write(0, 8, "phone_number"); $worksheet->write(0, 9, "address3"); $worksheet->write(0, 10,"province"); $worksheet->write(0, 11, "email"); my $rowCount1 = my $rowCount2 = 0; $worksheet->set_column( 8, 8, 20 ); $worksheet->set_column( 10, 10, 15 ); $worksheet->set_column( 4, 4, 20 ); $worksheet->set_column( 5, 5, 15 ); $worksheet->set_column( 12, 12, 62 ); $worksheet2->write(0, 0, "source_id" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 1, "first_name" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 2, "middle" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 3, "last_name" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 4, "address1" ); $worksheet2->write(0, 5, "city"); $worksheet2->write(0, 6, "state"); $worksheet2->write(0, 7, "postal_code"); $worksheet2->write(0, 8, "phone_number"); $worksheet2->write(0, 9, "address3"); $worksheet2->write(0, 10,"province"); $worksheet2->write(0, 11, "email"); while (<FH>){ chomp; my @t= split(',',$_); if (length($t[8]) == 10) { # && (length($t[7])==4 || length($ +t[7])==5)) if (!defined($t[7]) || $t[7] eq ''){ $stmt="SELECT postal_code, state FROM asterisk.vicidia +l_postal_codes WHERE state='".$t[6]."' limit 1;"; $sth = $dbhA->prepare($stmt) or die "preparing: ",$dbh +A->errstr; $sth->execute or die "executing: $stmt ", $dbhA->errst +r; $sthrows=$sth->rows; $Count=0; $z=""; while($sthrows>$Count){ @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array; $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 0, $t[0]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 1, $t[1]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 2, $t[2]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 3, $t[3]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 4, $t[4]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 5, $t[5]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 6, $t[6]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 7, $ary[0]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 8, $t[8]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 9, $t[9]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 10, $t[10]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 11, $t[11]); $Count++; } } elsif (!defined($t[6]) || $t[6] eq '' || length($t[6])>2 | +| length($t[6])<2) { $stmt="SELECT state, postal_code FROM asterisk.vicidia +l_postal_codes WHERE postal_code='".$t[7]."';"; $sth = $dbhA->prepare($stmt) or die "preparing: ",$dbh +A->errstr; $sth->execute or die "executing: $stmt ", $dbhA->errst +r; $sthrows=$sth->rows; $Count=0; while($sthrows>$Count){ @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array; $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 0, $t[0]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 1, $t[1]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 2, $t[2]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 3, $t[3]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 4, $t[4]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 5, $t[5]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 6, $ary[0]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 7, $t[7]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 8, $t[8]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 9, $t[9]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 10, $t[10]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 11, $t[11]); $Count++; } } else { $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 0, $t[0]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 1, $t[1]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 2, $t[2]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 3, $t[3]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 4, $t[4]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 5, $t[5]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 6, $t[6]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 7, $t[7]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 8, $t[8]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 9, $t[9]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 10, $t[10]); $worksheet->write($rowCount1+1, 11, $t[11]); $rowCount1++; } elsif (!defined($t[7]) || $t[7] eq '' || length($t[7])>5 + || length($t[7])<=3) { $z=""; $stmt="SELECT postal_code, state FROM asterisk.vicidia +l_postal_codes WHERE state='".$t[6]."' and postal_code not in ('00501','00544') limit 1;"; $sth = $dbhA->prepare($stmt) or die "preparing: ",$dbh +A->errstr; $sth->execute or die "executing: $stmt ", $dbhA->errst +r; $sthrows=$sth->rows; $Count=0; $oZ=$t[7]; while($sthrows>$Count){ @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array; $z=$ary[0]; $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 1, $t[1]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 2, $t[2]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 3, $t[3]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 4, $t[4]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 5, $t[5]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 6, $t[6]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 7, $ary[0]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 8, $t[8]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 9, $t[9]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 10, $t[10]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 11, $t[11]); $Count++; } } elsif (!defined($t[6]) || $t[6] eq '' || length($t[6])>2 + || length($t[6])<2){ $stmt="SELECT state, postal_code FROM asterisk.vicidia +l_postal_codes WHERE postal_code='".$t[7]."';"; $sth = $dbhA->prepare($stmt) or die "preparing: ",$dbh +A->errstr; $sth->execute or die "executing: $stmt ", $dbhA->errst +r; $sthrows=$sth->rows; $Count=0; while($sthrows>$Count){ @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array; $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 1, $t[1]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 2, $t[2]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 3, $t[3]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 4, $t[4]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 5, $t[5]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 6, $ary[0]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 7, $t[7]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 8, $t[8]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 9, $t[9]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 10, $t[10]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 11, $t[11]); $Count++; } } else { $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 0, $t[0]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 1, $t[1]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 2, $t[2]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 3, $t[3]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 4, $t[4]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 5, $t[5]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 6, $t[6]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 7, $t[7]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 8, $t[8]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 9, $t[9]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 10, $t[10]); $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 11, $t[11]); } #if (length($t[8]) < 10 && length($t[7]) < 5) #$worksheet->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'phone and zip co +de are incorrect.', $format1); # elsif (length($t[8]) > 10 && length($t[7]) > 5) #$worksheet->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'phone and zip co +de are incorrect.', $format1); # elsif (length($t[8]) < 10 && length($t[7]) > 5) #$worksheet->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'phone and zip co +de are incorrect.', $format1); if (length($t[8])< 10 || length($t[8])>10){ $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'phone is incorre +ct.', $format1); } if (defined($z) || $z ne ''){ $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 12, $oZ.' Zip code ha +s been updated '.$z.'.', $format1); } elsif (length($t[8])< 10 || length($t[8])>10) { $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 12, ' Zip code update +d, but has bad phone. ', $format1); } # elsif (length($t[8]) == 10 && length($t[7]) < 5) #$worksheet->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'zip code is inco +rrect.', $format1); # elsif (length($t[8]) == 10 && length($t[7]) > 5) #$worksheet->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'zip code is inco +rrect.', $format1); # elsif (length($t[8])>10 && length($t[7])==5) #$worksheet->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'phone is incorre +ct.', $format1); # else #$worksheet->write($rowCount2+1, 12, 'phone and zip co +de are incorrect.',$format1); $rowCount2++; $rowCount++; } } $workbook->close(); print $rowCount1.'-'.$rowCount2.'-'.$rowCount; close(FH);

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: bug or curly bracket hell?
by haukex (Archbishop) on Jan 05, 2023 at 18:27 UTC

    Unfortunately, the code you've posted here does not compile. As far as I can tell, you've got an elsif followed by an else, followed by another elsif. Perhaps you have a closing curly and else missing on the outer if, but it's really hard for me to tell where because the code you've posted is also 256 lines long.

    In order to get the most efficient help possible, please first fix your code so that it at least compiles. Also, you should always Use strict and warnings, since that will help you avoid other mistakes. And I recommend you use perltidy to format your code so that the indentation is better, this will also help you spot issues like missing braces much faster. If you follow all of this advice, we will very likely be able to help you quite quickly. In addition, providing some short but representative sample input with the expected output for that input would be very helpful. "Representative" in this case means especially that each branch of your multiple if-elsif-elses should be exercised by the sample input. See also SSCCE.

    Another thing that will shorten your code significantly is if you take the many, many lines that look like $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, 1, $t[1]); and turn them into a loop, such as $worksheet2->write($rowCount2+1, $_, $t[$_]) for 1..11;. I see that in each case you're replacing a different element with something from @ary, which is something you could probably also do by assigning to the appropriate element of @t before that loop - due to the length of the code it's a little difficult for me to tell if that works with all of your logic, but in the worst case you could always just make a temporary copy of @t and modify that.

      Seconding this. Especially the perltidy hint. $rowCount1++ seems to be offdented.
      Note perltidy is a command line tool. If it isn't installed yet, you can install it from the command line with cpan Perl::Tidy

      Also helpful (old but gold) Basic debugging checklist

        Note perltidy is a command line tool

        Also available as an online tool

      Thank you, I will work on trimming it up and trying to reduce the amount of lines I have. I ran it through PerlTidy now its spiting out a bunch of use of uninitialized value $Z so at least now I have some more direction with it and a better idea of how to submit my code for help.

        The most important first step for us is if you could provide code that compiles, which means that it does not give an error when you run it through perl -c

Re: bug or curly bracket hell?
by choroba (Cardinal) on Jan 05, 2023 at 18:28 UTC
    It's probably here or here. So I'd guess $newmember is undefined.

    map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]
Re: bug or curly bracket hell?
by GrandFather (Saint) on Jan 07, 2023 at 00:41 UTC

    That is some really stinky code. The worst smell comes from #use strict. Uncommenting that line and cleaning up all your variable declarations would highlight the elsif/else/elsif issue noted by haukex. On the basis of that alone this can not be the code that is generating the error you report because this code does not compile and therefore can't run to produce the error described!

    Another stinky thing is long lists of lines like $worksheet->write($rowCount1 + 1, 0,  $t[0]);.

    while ($sthrows > $Count) { would be much better written for my $row (1 .. sthrows) {.

    Optimising for fewest key strokes only makes sense transmitting to Pluto or beyond
      I'm still a perl beginner, When I declare my variables it still gives me, "Global symbol "%s" requires explicit package name" Can you give me some tips on fixing that? My coworker the programmer here codes in perl but doesnt seem to use strict for that very same reason.
        "Global symbol "%s" requires explicit package name" Can you give me some tips on fixing that?

        You have chopped off the last part of the error message and that was the bit which explains how you can fix it.

        $ perl -Mstrict -e '%s = ();' Global symbol "%s" requires explicit package name (did you forget to d +eclare "my %s"?) at -e line 1. Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors. $ perl -Mstrict -e 'my %s = ();' $

        See: my and our.


        First off: 'code smells' are coding styles that are fragile or hard to maintain (probably because they are hard to read). use strict helps address some forms of code smell if used sensibly. One thing that can make a huge difference is to ensure variables are used in the smallest sensible scope - strict helps that by telling you where an undeclared variable is first used.

        A very closely related technique is to initialise scalar variables (variables that start with $) where they are declared. Sometimes array and hash variables can be usefully initialised where they are declared too, but often they are used to accumulate entries in following code and don't need an explicit initialisation value at declaration (they are born empty).

        The golden rule: Always use strictures (use strict; use warnings; - see The strictures, according to Seuss).

        Strictures, especially strict, tell you about things that are easy to get wrong and hard to find, like changing the spelling of an identifier. Using lexical variables (variables declared with my) limits their scope to the enclosing block (within the enclosing { } pair) which helps in understanding how variables are used and avoids misusing variables.

        Fixing a bad smell can often end up with a jolly good clean out of the whole fridge to everyone's benefit. Adopting the use of strictures is a good start to cleaning up smelly code.

        Optimising for fewest key strokes only makes sense transmitting to Pluto or beyond

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