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[OT] is playing hard to get.

by syphilis (Archbishop)
on Feb 25, 2023 at 01:49 UTC ( [id://11150589]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

syphilis has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I haven't been able to view any test reports from cpantesters for about 24 hours now.
I assume others would find the same if they tried to connect - but I'm seeking confirmation that it's "not just me" that's having trouble.

Here's a link to a report that I was able to retrieve 2 days ago, but which now refuses to download.

The "funny thing" is that yesterday, when I first decided to look at some other FAIL reports I had received, I quickly clicked on links to 4 such reports and was therefore downloading 4 separate reports simultaneously.
Having had many previous unpleasant experiences downloading reports from cpantesters, I immediately thought "Oh shit - that's way too big a load for to handle !".
And I was right :-(
Perhaps they mistook my impatience for a DOS attack, and are now blocking me as retribution ;-)

  • Comment on [OT] is playing hard to get.

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Re: [OT] is playing hard to get.
by LanX (Saint) on Feb 25, 2023 at 02:36 UTC
    > but which now refuses to download.

    For me too.

    > Perhaps they mistook my impatience for a DOS attack, and are now blocking me as retribution ;-)

    You broke the internet!

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the 𐍀𐌴𐍂𐌻 Programming Language :)
    Wikisyntax for the Monastery

Re: [OT] is playing hard to get.
by hippo (Archbishop) on Feb 25, 2023 at 11:29 UTC
    I'm seeking confirmation that it's "not just me" that's having trouble.

    It's not just you. It's also not just individual reports - the main pages for a dist on www and on matrix have been returning cached results for me. eg. is showing a page from over 2 weeks ago.

    I think it's mostly preaction who is looking after it these days but as he doesn't visit here any more you would need to get in touch via some other channel. He's probably aware already, TBF and busy hand-holding a database rebuild or somesuch.


      He's probably aware already, TBF and busy hand-holding a database rebuild or somesuch.

      Whoever (if anyone) is trying to fix it is obviously having one helluvan experience.
      It has now been at least 5 days (120 hours) since the site went down, and those reports are still inaccessible.

      The good news is that I haven't received a single FAIL report from cpantesters in that period. (Always look on the bright side ;-)

        The good news is that I haven't received a single FAIL report

        Interestingly, the tests are going in OK (at least partially) and the MetaCPAN totals in the sidebar are increasing. Also, and even more encouragingly, fast-matrix is back having been out of action for months. I'd given up checking it TBH, so don't know when it came back but you can use it now if you are interested in the current numbers eg: which as I type lists the last report time as 2023-03-01 08:48 GMT (less than 3 hours ago). Also checked one of my own recent releases and that has a test result from just 11 mins ago.

        The web front-ends to are still having problems however. This extends to almost-static sites like and so it rather suggests that it is at least partially the front-end hosting infrastructure which is creaking.


Re: [OT] is playing hard to get.
by kcott (Archbishop) on Feb 25, 2023 at 08:49 UTC
      I think checking back in an hour is probably overly optimistic.

      Yes - that (along with the "heavy load" bullshit) has always been the advice in the past whenever the test reports were unobtainable.

      I don't think personal retribution is a factor. :-)

      It probably will be if Birmingham PM[1] ever find out what I've been muttering about them (to myself) for the last day-and-a-bit ;-)


      [1] AIUI, Birmingham PerlMongers take responsibility for the website. (Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.)
Re: [OT] is playing hard to get.
by hippo (Archbishop) on Mar 08, 2023 at 15:24 UTC

    Good news - it seems to be mostly back to normal now. Your individual report above was retrieved almost instantly and matrix pages are now up-to-date too. is still timing out so it isn't 100% but key components seem usable once more.


      Good news - it seems to be mostly back to normal now.

      Yep - I've been able to retrieve reports as of 24 hours ago. They're even downloading much more quickly than I've ever seen before !
      Now ... if I can just get the testers to stop filing UNKNOWNs as FAILs (as has happened here for example), then I'll have nothing to grumble about ;-)

        But... cpantesters seem to still be completely horked, with no recent reports showing:


        always and forever shows v3.1 from May 2022 as the "latest version", while there have been many releases since then.

        I sent an email to admin <at> but got no reply.

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