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Rosetta Test: Long List is Long

by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop)
on Mar 01, 2023 at 01:22 UTC ( [id://11150656]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

After chastising Bod recently for not writing his unit tests first, I felt obliged to finally write some unit tests for Rosetta Code: Long List is Long.

I was too lazy to act though until further provoked by a new version of the get_properties function that updated a non-const global variable. After changing its interface to avoid the need to modify the dreaded global, I felt obliged to write some unit tests for my new interface, in both Perl and C++, as a fun learning exercise. This meditation describes that endeavour.

Create the Test Files

I started by writing a helper script to create two simple LLiL-format (each line must match: ^[a-z]+\t\d+$) test files to be read by the unit tests:

# use strict; use warnings; sub build_file { my ( $file, $data ) = @_; open( my $fh, '>', $file ) or die "open '$file': $!"; print {$fh} $data or die "write '$file': $!"; } my $tt_1_data = <<"LLiL"; camel\t50 dromedary\t70 pearl\t42 LLiL my $tt_2_data = <<"LLiL"; dromedary\t3 kibitzer\t1000 dromedary\t2 camel\t19 dromedary\t1 LLiL my %test_files = ( 'llil-1.txt' => $tt_1_data, 'llil-2.txt' => $tt_2_data ); for my $fname (sort keys %test_files) { print STDERR "Create test file '$fname'..."; unlink($fname); build_file( $fname, $test_files{$fname} ); print STDERR "done.\n"; }

After running this script, you should have two short LLiL-format text files: llil-1.txt and llil-2.txt. These files will be used by the unit tests. If you reply with unit tests written in another language, please use these two files in your unit tests.

package LLiL; use strict; use warnings; # Read a LLiL-format file. # Return the number of lines in the file or -1 if the file could not b +e opened # Update $hash_ret, a reference to a hash of properties sub get_properties { my $fname = shift; # in: a LLiL-format filename my $hash_ret = shift; # inout: a reference to a hash of properti +es my $cnt = 0; open( my $fh, '<', $fname ) or return -1; while (<$fh>) { ++$cnt; chomp; my ($word, $count) = split /\t/; $hash_ret->{$word} += $count; } close($fh); return $cnt; } # Note: Some extra validation that could be done in get_properties() a +bove # ( not done because, to allow the code to run as fast as possib +le, # get_properties assumes the input data adheres to the LLiL sp +ec, # that is, each line matches ^[a-z]+\t\d+$ ): # s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; # remove leading and trailing whitesp +ace # next unless length; # ignore empty lines # $word =~ /^[a-z]+$/ or die "error: invalid word '$_' (must contai +n [a-z] only)"; # $count =~ /^\d+$/ or die "error: invalid count '$_' (must contai +n [0-9] only)"; 1;


# llil.t # Simple unit test of get_properties() function in # Normal run of this test : prove -v -I . llil.t # Can also run with : perl -I . llil.t # Note: before running this test, create the test files # llil-1.txt and llil-2.txt by running: perl use strict; use warnings; use LLiL; use Test::More; my $ntests = 5; plan tests => $ntests; my $expected_href = { 'camel' => 69, 'dromedary' => 76, 'kibitzer' => 1000, 'pearl' => 42 }; my %hash_ret; my $href = \%hash_ret; # Error tests { my $n = LLiL::get_properties( 'non-existent-file', $href ); cmp_ok( $n, '==', -1, "get_properties non existent file return valu +e" ); } # Normal tests { my $n = LLiL::get_properties( 'llil-1.txt', $href ); cmp_ok( $n, '==', 3, "get_properties file 1 return value" ); $n = LLiL::get_properties( 'llil-2.txt', $href ); cmp_ok( $n, '==', 5, "get_properties file 2 return value" ); cmp_ok( scalar(%{$href}), '==', 4, "number of items in hash" ); is_deeply( $href, $expected_href, "hash content" ); }

Running the Test

With that done, you can run the unit test with core Perl testing tools with:

perl -I . llil.t
prove -v -I . llil.t

The output from running the prove command above is:

> prove -v -I . llil.t llil.t .. 1..5 ok 1 - get_properties non existent file return value ok 2 - get_properties file 1 return value ok 3 - get_properties file 2 return value ok 4 - number of items in hash ok 5 - hash content ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=5, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.00 CPU +) Result: PASS

Note that this only unit tests that the hash contains the correct keys and values. The sorting/ordering of the values in the hash is performed in a separate later step.

Please feel free to respond with improved Perl versions of llil.t or with a version of this simple unit test in another language.

C++ Version

Unit testing statically-typed languages (such as C++ and Java) is harder than dynamically-typed languages (such as Perl or Python).

In particular, to produce useful error messages when a test fails, without suffering an explosion in the number of assertion macros, statically-typed languages need Matchers -- pioneered by Hamcrest for Java (note that hamcrest is an anagram of matchers).

Though there doesn't appear to be a Perl version of Hamcrest, this doesn't surprise me because I've never felt the need for matchers when writing tests in Perl. If anyone knows of a Perl version of Matchers or Hamcrest, please let us know.

The two most popular unit testing frameworks for C++ are:

I installed Catch2 on my Ubuntu VM by installing cmake globally via apt-get followed by building Catch2 from source:

$ sudo apt-get -y install cmake $ cd $HOME/local-catch2 $ git clone $ cd Catch2 $ cmake -Bbuild -H. -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF $ sudo cmake --build build/ --target install

With that done, I was able to build a Catch2 test tcatch via a command line like:

clang++ -o tcatch -std=c++20 -Wall -O3 -I "$HOME/local-parallel-hashma +p/parallel-hashmap" -I "$HOME/local-boost/boost_1_81_0" -I /usr/local +/include/catch2 tcatch.cpp /usr/local/lib/libCatch2Main.a /usr/local/ +lib/libCatch2.a

which I then ran via:

./tcatch --success --durations yes


Randomness seeded to: 640760095 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ tcatch is a Catch2 v3.3.1 host application. Run with -? for options ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- Error tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- tcatch.cpp:149 ...................................................................... +......... tcatch.cpp:151: PASSED: REQUIRE( get_properties( "non-existent-file", mymap ) == -1 ) with expansion: -1 == -1 0.000 s: Error tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- Normal tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- tcatch.cpp:154 ...................................................................... +......... tcatch.cpp:156: PASSED: REQUIRE( get_properties( "llil-1.txt", mymap ) == 3 ) with expansion: 3 == 3 tcatch.cpp:157: PASSED: REQUIRE( get_properties( "llil-2.txt", mymap ) == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 tcatch.cpp:164: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( myvec, Catch::Matchers::UnorderedEquals( vec_str_int_t +ype{ { str_type { "camel" }, 69 }, { str_type { "dromedary" }, 76 }, +{ str_type { "kibitzer" }, 1000 }, { str_type { "pearl" }, 42 } } ) ) with expansion: { {?}, {?}, {?}, {?} } UnorderedEquals: { {?}, {?}, {?}, {?} } 0.000 s: Normal tests ====================================================================== +========= All tests passed (4 assertions in 2 test cases)


Fair warning: the C++ test has a bit more code in it than the Perl version. :) OTOH, you can test with many different hash-like classes (e.g. std::map, std::unordered_map, ...).

The tcatch.cpp source code below can be compiled in many different ways:

  • By setting MAP_TYPE_L you can use different hash types: std::map or std::unordered_map or phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map
  • You can test with or without MAX_STR_LEN_L defined
  • I wrote a handy RAII MyTimer timer class so I could see how long each individual test took to run ... then realised Catch2 allows you to get timing info for each test via the --durations yes command line option. :) Oh well, it might be a handy class to use in other programs.

// tcatch.cpp // Example run: ./tcatch --success --durations yes // For doco on Catch2 TEST_CASE and SECTION see: // #include <cstdio> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <string> #include <array> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <iterator> #include <execution> #include <algorithm> #include <boost/container_hash/hash.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> // ------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- typedef int_fast64_t llil_int_type; // All words in big1.txt, big2.txt, big3.txt are <= 6 chars in length. // big.txt max word length is 6 // long.txt max word length is 208 // // Based on rough benchmarking, the short fixed string hack below is o +nly // worth trying for MAX_STR_LEN_L up to about 22. // See also // // To use (limited length) fixed length strings uncomment the next lin +e. // #define MAX_STR_LEN_L 10 #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L struct str_type : std::array<char, MAX_STR_LEN_L> { bool operator==( const str_type& o ) const { return ::memcmp(this->data(),, MAX_STR_LEN_L) == 0; } bool operator<( const str_type& o ) const { return ::memcmp(this->data(),, MAX_STR_LEN_L) < 0; } }; #else struct str_type : std::basic_string<char> { bool operator==( const str_type& o ) const { return ::strcmp(this->data(), == 0; } bool operator<( const str_type& o ) const { return ::strcmp(this->data(), < 0; } }; #endif using str_int_type = std::pair<str_type, llil_int_type>; using vec_str_int_type = std::vector<str_int_type>; // inject specialization of std::hash for str_type into namespace std namespace std { template<> struct hash<str_type> { std::size_t operator()( str_type const& v ) const noexcept { #if 0 return boost::hash_range( v.cbegin(), v.cend() ); #else std::basic_string_view<char> bv { reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, v.size() * sizeof +(char) }; return std::hash<std::basic_string_view<char>>()(bv); #endif } }; } // Test with std::map, std::unordered_map or phmap::parallel_flat_hash +_map #define MT_STD_MAP_L 0 #define MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L 1 #define MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L 2 // Uncomment one of the three map types below #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_STD_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L #if MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_MAP_L #include <map> using map_str_int_type = std::map<str_type, llil_int_type>; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L #include <unordered_map> using map_str_int_type = std::unordered_map<str_type, llil_int_type>; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L #include <parallel_hashmap/phmap.h> // create the parallel_flat_hash_map without internal mutexes using map_str_int_type = phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map< str_type, llil_int_type, phmap::priv::hash_default_hash<str_type>, phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<str_type>, phmap::priv::Allocator<phmap::priv::Pair<const str_type, llil_int_t +ype>>, 8, phmap::NullMutex >; #else #error "Unsupported map_str_int_type" #endif // Simple RAII timer ------------------------------------------------- +---------- // Create a MyTimer object in a scope: // { // MyTimer tt; // ... // } // to automatically print the time taken in the block to stderr #include <chrono> inline double elaspe_time( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point cend, std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point cstart) { return double( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds +>(cend - cstart).count() ) * 1e-3; } class MyTimer { public: MyTimer() { stnow_m = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } ~MyTimer() { auto endnow = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::cerr << " (" << elaspe_time(endnow, stnow_m) << " seconds)\ +n"; } private: std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> stnow_m +; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- #include "get_properties.inl" #include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp> #include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_vector.hpp> // Catch2 tests start here ----------------------------------- TEST_CASE( "Error tests" ) { map_str_int_type mymap; REQUIRE( get_properties( "non-existent-file", mymap ) == -1 ); } TEST_CASE( "Normal tests" ) { map_str_int_type mymap; REQUIRE( get_properties( "llil-1.txt", mymap ) == 3 ); REQUIRE( get_properties( "llil-2.txt", mymap ) == 5 ); vec_str_int_type myvec( mymap.begin(), mymap.end() ); REQUIRE_THAT( myvec, Catch::Matchers::UnorderedEquals( vec_str_int_ +type{ { str_type { "camel" }, 69 }, { str_type { "dromedary" }, 76 }, { str_type { "kibitzer" }, 1000 }, { str_type { "pearl" }, 42 } } )); }


// get_properties.inl // Note: str_type, llil_int_type and map_str_int_type are not defined +here. // llil_int_type is normally defined as: typedef int_fast64_t llil_int +_type; // Note: int_fast64_t is defined in <cstdint> // map_str_int_type is keyed by str_type with value of llil_int_type. // These three types must be defined by the code that includes this .i +nl file. // map_str_int_type can be many different types, std::map, std::unorde +red_map, ... // so long as all operations on map_upd below are supported. #include <cstdint> #include <cstdio> #include <array> #include <algorithm> inline llil_int_type fast_atoll64( const char* str ) { llil_int_type val = 0; // int sign = 0; // if ( *str == '-' ) { // sign = 1, ++str; // } uint8_t digit; while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + digit +; // return sign ? -val : val; return val; } // Limit line length and use ANSI C functions to try to boost performa +nce #define MAX_LINE_LEN_L 255 // Update map_upd with the properties found in file fname // Return the number of properties in file fname (or -1 if fname could + not be opened) static llil_int_type get_properties( const char* fname, // in : the input file name map_str_int_type& map_upd // inout: the map to be updated ) { std::array<char, MAX_LINE_LEN_L + 1> line; char* found; llil_int_type count; llil_int_type nprop = 0; FILE* fh = ::fopen(fname, "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) return -1; while ( ::fgets(, static_cast<int>(MAX_LINE_LEN_L), fh +) != NULL ) { ++nprop; found = std::find( line.begin(), line.end(), '\t' ); count = fast_atoll64( found + 1 ); // Note: using emplace() is faster than map_upd[fixword] += coun +t; #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L str_type fixword {}; // {} initializes all elements of fixword +to '\0' std::copy( line.begin(), found, fixword.begin() ); const auto [it, success] = map_upd.emplace( fixword, count ); #else *found = '\0'; const auto [it, success] = map_upd.emplace(str_type{ + }, count); #endif if (!success) it->second += count; } ::fclose(fh); return nprop; }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Rosetta Test: Long List is Long - Abseil
by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop) on Mar 13, 2023 at 10:04 UTC

    After testing the correctness of the new get_properties interface with a simple Catch2 unit test, I was curious to learn of its performance characteristics. So I removed Catch2 and converted the unit test into a simple get_properties test driver, tdriver.cpp.


    // tdriver.cpp #include <cstdio> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <string> #include <array> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <iterator> #include <execution> #include <algorithm> #include <boost/container_hash/hash.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> // ------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- typedef int_fast64_t llil_int_type; // All words in big1.txt, big2.txt, big3.txt are <= 6 chars in length. // big.txt max word length is 6 // // To use (limited length) fixed length strings uncomment the next lin +e. #define MAX_STR_LEN_L 6 #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L struct str_type : std::array<char, MAX_STR_LEN_L> { bool operator==( const str_type& o ) const { return ::memcmp(this->data(),, MAX_STR_LEN_L) == 0; } bool operator<( const str_type& o ) const { return ::memcmp(this->data(),, MAX_STR_LEN_L) < 0; } }; #else struct str_type : std::basic_string<char> { bool operator==( const str_type& o ) const { return ::strcmp(this->data(), == 0; } bool operator<( const str_type& o ) const { return ::strcmp(this->data(), < 0; } }; #endif using str_int_type = std::pair<str_type, llil_int_type>; using vec_str_int_type = std::vector<str_int_type>; // inject specialization of std::hash for str_type into namespace std namespace std { template<> struct hash<str_type> { std::size_t operator()( str_type const& v ) const noexcept { #if 0 return boost::hash_range( v.cbegin(), v.cend() ); #else std::basic_string_view<char> bv { reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, v.size() * sizeof +(char) }; return std::hash<std::basic_string_view<char>>()(bv); #endif } }; } // Test with std::map, std::unordered_map or phmap::parallel_flat_hash +_map // ... or boost::unordered_map or ankerl::unordered_dense::map #define MT_STD_MAP_L 0 #define MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L 1 #define MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L 2 #define MT_BOOST_UNORDERED_MAP_L 3 #define MT_ANKERL_UNORDERED_DENSE_MAP_L 6 // Uncomment one of the map types below // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_STD_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_BOOST_UNORDERED_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_ANKERL_UNORDERED_DENSE_MAP_L #if MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_MAP_L #include <map> using map_str_int_type = std::map<str_type, llil_int_type>; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L #include <unordered_map> using map_str_int_type = std::unordered_map<str_type, llil_int_type>; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L #include <parallel_hashmap/phmap.h> // create the parallel_flat_hash_map without internal mutexes using map_str_int_type = phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map< str_type, llil_int_type, phmap::priv::hash_default_hash<str_type>, phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<str_type>, phmap::priv::Allocator<phmap::priv::Pair<const str_type, llil_int_t +ype>>, 8, phmap::NullMutex >; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_BOOST_UNORDERED_MAP_L #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> using map_str_int_type = boost::unordered_map<str_type, llil_int_type> +; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_ANKERL_UNORDERED_DENSE_MAP_L #include <ankerl/unordered_dense.h> using map_str_int_type = ankerl::unordered_dense::map<str_type, llil_i +nt_type>; #else #error "Unsupported map_str_int_type" #endif // Simple RAII timer ------------------------------------------------- +---------- // Create a MyTimer object in a scope: // { // MyTimer tt; // ... // } // to automatically print the time taken in the block to stderr #include <chrono> inline double elaspe_time( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point cend, std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point cstart) { return double( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds +>(cend - cstart).count() ) * 1e-3; } class MyTimer { public: MyTimer() { stnow_m = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } ~MyTimer() { auto endnow = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::cerr << " (" << elaspe_time(endnow, stnow_m) << " seconds)\ +n"; } private: std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> stnow_m +; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- #include "get_properties.inl" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cerr << "usage: tdriver file1 file2 ... >out.txt\n"; return 1; } #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L std::cerr << "tdriver (fixed string length=" << MAX_STR_LEN_L << ") + start\n"; #else std::cerr << "tdriver start\n"; #endif #if MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_MAP_L std::cerr << "use std::map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L std::cerr << "use std::unordered_map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L std::cerr << "use phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_BOOST_UNORDERED_MAP_L std::cerr << "use boost::unordered_map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_ANKERL_UNORDERED_DENSE_MAP_L std::cerr << "use ankerl::unordered_dense::map\n"; #else #error "Unsupported map_str_int_type" #endif // Get the list of input files from the command line int nfiles = argc - 1; char** fname = &argv[1]; map_str_int_type mymap; for ( int i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i ) { MyTimer tt; llil_int_type nlines = get_properties(fname[i], mymap); std::cerr << fname[i] << ": nlines=" << nlines; } // Store the properties into a vector vec_str_int_type propvec( mymap.begin(), mymap.end() ); mymap.clear(); // Sort the vector by (count) in reverse order, (name) in lexical o +rder std::sort( // Standard sort propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), [](const str_int_type& left, const str_int_type& right) { return left.second != right.second ? left.second > right.second : left.first < right.first; } ); // Output the sorted vector #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L for ( auto const& n : propvec ) ::printf("%.*s\t%ld\n", MAX_STR_LEN_L,, n.second) +; #else for ( auto const& n : propvec ) std::cout << n.first << "\t" << n.second << "\n"; #endif return 0; }

    Update: added support for MT_ANKERL_UNORDERED_DENSE_MAP_L via a github clone:

    ~/myabseil$ git clone
    and adding "-I $HOME/myabseil/unordered_dense/include" to the clang++ command line as shown below.

    After building on Ubuntu with:

    clang++ -o tdriver -std=c++20 -Wall -O3 -I "$HOME/local-parallel-hashm +ap/parallel-hashmap" -I "$HOME/local-boost/boost_1_81_0" -I "$HOME/m +yabseil/unordered_dense/include" tdriver.cpp

    a typical run is:

    $ ./tdriver big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt big4.txt big5.txt big6.txt >f.t +mp $ cmp f.tmp good.tmp

    with cmp used to verify that the tdriver output is correct.


    I show here just some basic results of running this program (with MAX_STR_LEN defined) processing six shuffled big.txt files, where each of the six files was generated using from Re^3: Rosetta Code: Long List is Long (Test File Generators) with:

    perl big1.txt 200 3 1 perl big2.txt 200 3 1 ...
    and shuffled with from Re: Rosetta Code: Long List is Long - JudySL code with:
    perl big1.txt >tmp && mv tmp big1.txt perl big2.txt >tmp && mv tmp big2.txt ...

    $ ./tdriver big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt big4.txt big5.txt big6.txt >f.t +mp tdriver (fixed string length=6) start use std::map big1.txt: nlines=3515200 (7.492 seconds) big2.txt: nlines=3515200 (9.953 seconds) big3.txt: nlines=3515200 (11.089 seconds) big4.txt: nlines=3515200 (10.696 seconds) big5.txt: nlines=3515200 (11.449 seconds) big6.txt: nlines=3515200 (11.765 seconds) $ cmp f.tmp good.tmp $ ./tdriver big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt big4.txt big5.txt big6.txt >f.t +mp tdriver (fixed string length=6) start use std::unordered_map big1.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.134 seconds) big2.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.859 seconds) big3.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.244 seconds) big4.txt: nlines=3515200 (3.666 seconds) big5.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.184 seconds) big6.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.882 seconds) $ cmp f.tmp good.tmp $ ./tdriver big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt big4.txt big5.txt big6.txt >f.t +mp tdriver (fixed string length=6) start use phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map big1.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.597 seconds) big2.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.08 seconds) big3.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.604 seconds) big4.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.795 seconds) big5.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.317 seconds) big6.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.894 seconds) $ cmp f.tmp good.tmp $ ./tdriver big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt big4.txt big5.txt big6.txt >f.t +mp tdriver (fixed string length=6) start use boost::unordered_map big1.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.1 seconds) big2.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.037 seconds) big3.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.327 seconds) big4.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.935 seconds) big5.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.436 seconds) big6.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.553 seconds) $ cmp f.tmp good.tmp UPDATE: $ ./tdriver big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt big4.txt big5.txt big6.txt >f.t +mp tdriver (fixed string length=6) start use ankerl::unordered_dense::map big1.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.994 seconds) big2.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.11 seconds) big3.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.767 seconds) big4.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.784 seconds) big5.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.866 seconds) big6.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.772 seconds) $ cmp f.tmp good.tmp

    Though surprised by the wide variation in times with different files of the same size, I was relieved to note that this result agrees with marioroy's experiences with llil4map. Though there is quite a bit of variation between runs, phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map and ankerl::unordered_dense::map are clearly the fastest.


    After doing some random searching for other C++ hash implementations, I stumbled upon Google's Open Source Abseil C++ library. In particular, its absl::flat_hash_map looked worth a try given the following references:

    I was unable to build absl::flat_hash_map by just dropping in a header file, as I'd done with most of the other third-party code. So I built the Abseil library in the official way, using CMake ... which wasn't easy, given I was a complete Abseil and CMake ignoramus. :)

    Note that you don't need to build the whole Abseil library in order to use it. I created a new $HOME/myabseil directory then performed the following initial steps in this directory:

    • git clone
    • Created CMakeLists.txt in this directory (see below)
    • Created in this directory (see below)


    I also created this ClangOverrides.txt file in my $HOME directory to specify the compiler flags to use for the build:


    and further set these two environment variables to get the build to use the clang compiler:

    $ export CC=/usr/bin/clang $ export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++


    Finally, I created CMakeLists.txt in my $HOME/myabseil directory containing:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(my_tdriver) # Abseil is ok with either C++14 or C++17 or C++20 set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) # Process Abseil's CMake build system add_subdirectory(abseil-cpp) add_executable(tdriver # Declare dependencies on the absl libraries # See: +/CMakeLists.txt (flat_hash_map) target_link_libraries(tdriver absl::container_memory absl::core_headers absl::hash_function_defaults absl::raw_hash_map absl::algorithm_container absl::memory )

    Building tdriver

    With that done, I set up a recommended "out of source" CMake build:

    $ cd $HOME/myabseil $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=~/ClangOverrides.txt -DCMAKE_ +BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

    That generated a Makefile in the build directory, allowing me to kiss CMake goodbye, and just use the good old Unix make command from now on. :)

    To see everything that happens during the build, I took to running:

    make VERBOSE=1 2>&1 | tee makebuild.tmp

    Finally, here is the I used, very similar to tdriver.cpp but with get_properties.inl embedded in it:

    // #include <cstdio> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <string> #include <array> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <iterator> #include <execution> #include <algorithm> // #include <boost/container_hash/hash.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> // ------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- typedef int_fast64_t llil_int_type; // All words in big1.txt, big2.txt, big3.txt are <= 6 chars in length. // big.txt max word length is 6 // long.txt max word length is 208 // // Based on rough benchmarking, the short fixed string hack below is o +nly // worth trying for MAX_STR_LEN_L up to about 22. // See also // // To use (limited length) fixed length strings uncomment the next lin +e. #define MAX_STR_LEN_L 6 #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L struct str_type : std::array<char, MAX_STR_LEN_L> { bool operator==( const str_type& o ) const { return ::memcmp(this->data(),, MAX_STR_LEN_L) == 0; } bool operator<( const str_type& o ) const { return ::memcmp(this->data(),, MAX_STR_LEN_L) < 0; } }; #else struct str_type : std::basic_string<char> { bool operator==( const str_type& o ) const { return ::strcmp(this->data(), == 0; } bool operator<( const str_type& o ) const { return ::strcmp(this->data(), < 0; } }; #endif using str_int_type = std::pair<str_type, llil_int_type>; using vec_str_int_type = std::vector<str_int_type>; // inject specialization of std::hash for str_type into namespace std namespace std { template<> struct hash<str_type> { std::size_t operator()( str_type const& v ) const noexcept { #if 0 return boost::hash_range( v.cbegin(), v.cend() ); #else std::basic_string_view<char> bv { reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, v.size() * sizeof +(char) }; return std::hash<std::basic_string_view<char>>()(bv); #endif } }; } // Test with std::map, std::unordered_map or phmap::parallel_flat_hash +_map // or boost::unorderedmap or absl::flat_hash_map #define MT_STD_MAP_L 0 #define MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L 1 #define MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L 2 #define MT_BOOST_UNORDERED_MAP_L 3 #define MT_GOOGLE_HASH_MAP_L 4 #define MT_GOOGLE_NODE_MAP_L 5 // Uncomment to use absl::Hash function object // #define MT_USE_ABSL_HASH_L 1 // Uncomment one of the map types below // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_STD_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_BOOST_UNORDERED_MAP_L #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_GOOGLE_HASH_MAP_L // #define MAP_TYPE_L MT_GOOGLE_NODE_MAP_L #if MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_MAP_L #include <map> using map_str_int_type = std::map<str_type, llil_int_type>; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L #include <unordered_map> using map_str_int_type = std::unordered_map<str_type, llil_int_type>; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L #include <parallel_hashmap/phmap.h> // create the parallel_flat_hash_map without internal mutexes using map_str_int_type = phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map< str_type, llil_int_type, phmap::priv::hash_default_hash<str_type>, phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<str_type>, phmap::priv::Allocator<phmap::priv::Pair<const str_type, llil_int_t +ype>>, 8, phmap::NullMutex >; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_BOOST_UNORDERED_MAP_L #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> using map_str_int_type = boost::unordered_map<str_type, llil_int_type> +; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_GOOGLE_HASH_MAP_L #include <absl/container/flat_hash_map.h> #include <absl/container/node_hash_map.h> #ifdef MT_USE_ABSL_HASH_L using map_str_int_type = absl::flat_hash_map<str_type, llil_int_type, +absl::Hash<str_type>>; #else using map_str_int_type = absl::flat_hash_map<str_type, llil_int_type>; #endif #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_GOOGLE_NODE_MAP_L #include <absl/hash/hash.h> using map_str_int_type = absl::node_hash_map<str_type, llil_int_type>; #else #error "Unsupported map_str_int_type" #endif // Simple RAII timer ------------------------------------------------- +---------- // Create a MyTimer object in a scope: // { // MyTimer tt; // ... // } // to automatically print the time taken in the block to stderr #include <chrono> inline double elaspe_time( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point cend, std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point cstart) { return double( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds +>(cend - cstart).count() ) * 1e-3; } class MyTimer { public: MyTimer() { stnow_m = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } ~MyTimer() { auto endnow = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::cerr << " (" << elaspe_time(endnow, stnow_m) << " seconds)\ +n"; } private: std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> stnow_m +; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- // #include "get_properties.inl" // get_properties.inl // Note: str_type, llil_int_type and map_str_int_type are not defined +here. // llil_int_type is normally defined as: typedef int_fast64_t llil_int +_type; // Note: int_fast64_t is defined in <cstdint> // map_str_int_type is keyed by str_type with value of llil_int_type. // These three types must be defined by the code that includes this .i +nl file. // map_str_int_type can be many different types, std::map, std::unorde +red_map, ... // so long as all operations on map_upd below are supported. #include <cstdint> #include <cstdio> #include <array> #include <algorithm> inline llil_int_type fast_atoll64( const char* str ) { llil_int_type val = 0; // int sign = 0; // if ( *str == '-' ) { // sign = 1, ++str; // } uint8_t digit; while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + digit +; // return sign ? -val : val; return val; } // Limit line length and use ANSI C functions to try to boost performa +nce #define MAX_LINE_LEN_L 255 // Update map_upd with the properties found in file fname // Return the number of properties in file fname (or -1 if fname could + not be opened) static llil_int_type get_properties( const char* fname, // in : the input file name map_str_int_type& map_upd // inout: the map to be updated ) { std::array<char, MAX_LINE_LEN_L + 1> line; char* found; llil_int_type count; llil_int_type nprop = 0; FILE* fh = ::fopen(fname, "r"); if ( fh == NULL ) return -1; while ( ::fgets(, static_cast<int>(MAX_LINE_LEN_L), fh +) != NULL ) { ++nprop; found = std::find( line.begin(), line.end(), '\t' ); count = fast_atoll64( found + 1 ); // Note: using emplace() is faster than map_upd[fixword] += coun +t; #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L str_type fixword {}; // {} initializes all elements of fixword +to '\0' std::copy( line.begin(), found, fixword.begin() ); const auto [it, success] = map_upd.emplace( fixword, count ); #else *found = '\0'; const auto [it, success] = map_upd.emplace(str_type{ + }, count); #endif if (!success) it->second += count; } ::fclose(fh); return nprop; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cerr << "usage: tdriver file1 file2 ... >out.txt\n"; return 1; } #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L std::cerr << "tdriver (fixed string length=" << MAX_STR_LEN_L << ") + start\n"; #else std::cerr << "tdriver start\n"; #endif #if MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_MAP_L std::cerr << "use std::map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_STD_UNORDERED_MAP_L std::cerr << "use std::unordered_map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_PARALLEL_FLAT_HASH_MAP_L std::cerr << "use phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_BOOST_UNORDERED_MAP_L std::cerr << "use boost::unordered_map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_GOOGLE_HASH_MAP_L std::cerr << "use absl::flat_hash_map\n"; #elif MAP_TYPE_L == MT_GOOGLE_NODE_MAP_L std::cerr << "use absl::node_hash_map\n"; #else #error "Unsupported map_str_int_type" #endif #ifdef MT_USE_ABSL_HASH_L std::cerr << "use absl::Hash function object in ctor\n"; #endif // Get the list of input files from the command line int nfiles = argc - 1; char** fname = &argv[1]; map_str_int_type mymap; for ( int i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i ) { MyTimer tt; llil_int_type nlines = get_properties(fname[i], mymap); std::cerr << fname[i] << ": nlines=" << nlines; } // Store the properties into a vector vec_str_int_type propvec( mymap.begin(), mymap.end() ); mymap.clear(); // Sort the vector by (count) in reverse order, (name) in lexical o +rder std::sort( // Standard sort propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), [](const str_int_type& left, const str_int_type& right) { return left.second != right.second ? left.second > right.second : left.first < right.first; } ); // Output the sorted vector #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L for ( auto const& n : propvec ) ::printf("%.*s\t%ld\n", MAX_STR_LEN_L,, n.second) +; #else for ( auto const& n : propvec ) std::cout << n.first << "\t" << n.second << "\n"; #endif return 0; }


    Abseil's absl::flat_hash_map ran very slightly faster than phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map and ankerl::unordered_dense::map (while being more painful to build :).

    $ ./tdriver big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt big4.txt big5.txt big6.txt >f.t +mp tdriver (fixed string length=6) start use phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map big1.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.597 seconds) big2.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.08 seconds) big3.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.604 seconds) big4.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.795 seconds) big5.txt: nlines=3515200 (2.317 seconds) big6.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.894 seconds) $ cmp f.tmp good.tmp $ ./tdriver big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt big4.txt big5.txt big6.txt >f.t +mp tdriver (fixed string length=6) start use absl::flat_hash_map big1.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.568 seconds) big2.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.626 seconds) big3.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.067 seconds) big4.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.767 seconds) big5.txt: nlines=3515200 (1.057 seconds) big6.txt: nlines=3515200 (0.820 seconds) $ cmp f.tmp good.tmp

    Updated 14-03-2023: Added support for MT_ANKERL_UNORDERED_DENSE_MAP_L to tdriver.cpp (ankerl::unordered_dense::map seems to have similar performance to phmap::parallel_flat_hash_map).

    Minor formatting and wording improvements were made long after the original post was made.

      These are my notes for using the Abseil libraries, particularly the hash maps. Actual usage are in, below.

      Installing Abseil libraries: with enhancements:

      There is a C++ Quickstart With CMake guide or eyepopslikeamosquito's step-by-step guide if you prefer the CMake path. I tried the conventional path, providing library options to the compiler.

      The shared libs are easier, only requiring few libs. Static, otherwise, require having the libraries in the correct order. But let that not deter you from using the static libs. Build with the shared libs first and run ldd on the binary. That will provide you a list of the Abseil libraries and the order to go by. I also look at ~/abseil/lib64/pkgconfig for clues.


      One can use taskset on Linux for repeatable timings; i.e. taskset -c 1-2 ./tdriver ...

      Notice how phmp parallel-flat-hash-map with absl::Hash is nearly as fast as Abseil flat-hash-map. Even faster, is phmap flat-hash-map. Ankerl unordered-dense-map is the fastest of the bunch running serially. Noteworthy, is that nothing comes close to phmp parallel-flat-hash-map if the application involves many threads.

      The Abseil hash maps default to using absl::Hash, behind the scene. Look at Ankerl go with absl::Hash. It benefits from injecting specialization of absl::Hash for str_type into namespace std.

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