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Deleting a excel column

by MoodyDreams999 (Scribe)
on May 05, 2023 at 19:55 UTC ( [id://11152006]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

MoodyDreams999 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

What's the best way to delete a column if you don't have keywords you are looking for? I have a spreadsheet I parse very often it has 0-35 columns and I want to automate this process so it only writes 0-9 columns. (They aren't in order) I tried messing with $col_num, I learned that's not what I need. I need to also sort by date, but thats not my main concern right now. I've adapted some of my excel sub routines that use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX and Excel::Writer::XLSX and I've searched many forms related to this issue and they've had different format/problems and approaches to those problems especially since alot of them used WIN::OLE a module I'm not very familiar with. I just didnt want to write something completely from scratch with something i'm not used to if the modules I am familiar with will work. Please guide me wise monks.. I have a couple subroutine I could post too. The main one is one ive used on a few different excel projects, I've managed to narrow it down to 60 lines functionally, I realize that may not be ideal as far as SCCE.
use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX; use Excel::Writer::XLSX; my $in_file = "Input.xlsx"; my $out_file = "Output.xlsx"; # Read in all rows from existing file my $rows = read_excel($in_file); my $count = 0; # Write the updated rows to new file my $col_num = 2; write_excel($out_file, $rows, $col_num); ++$count; sub read_excel { my ( $file, $sheet ) = @_; $sheet ||= 0; my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX->new(); my $workbook = $parser->parse($file); if ( not defined $workbook ) { die $parser->error; } my $worksheet = $workbook->worksheet($sheet); my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range(); my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range(); my @rows; for my $row ( $row_min .. $row_max ) { my @cells; for my $col ( $col_min .. $col_max ) { my $cell = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, $col ); if (not $cell) { push(@cells,''); next; } my $value = $cell->value(); push(@cells,$value); } push(@rows,\@cells); } return \@rows; } sub write_excel { my ( $file, $rows, $col_max ) = @_; my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( $file ); if ( not defined $workbook ) { die "Could not open file: $!"; } my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(); my $row_num = 0; for my $row ( @$rows ) { for my $col (0 .. $col_max) { $worksheet->write( $row_num, $col, $row->[$col] ); } $row_num++; } $workbook->close(); return; }
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Re: Deleting a excel column
by atcroft (Abbot) on May 06, 2023 at 00:21 UTC

    I looked at the docs for Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX (and Spreadsheet::ParseExcel) and Excel::Writer::XLSX, and found several functions that can help (especially if you don't mind a bare-bones approach). Assuming you create $workbook_i by parsing the import file into an S:P object and a $workbook_o when creating the E:W:X object, $workbook_i provides you with:

    • $workbook_i->worksheets() method to get the worksheets present in the input file (which you can loop through with, for example, $worksheet_i)
    • $worksheet_i->get_name() which returns the name of the worksheet you are working with
    • $worksheet_i->row_range() and $worksheet_i->col_range(), which give you the min and max row and column indexes, respectively
    • $worksheet_i->get_cell() which can return a Cell object (eg. $cell) on which you can call $cell->unformatted() to the cell value
    • $workbook_o->add_worksheet() which creates a new worksheet in the E:W:X object (eg., $worksheet_o)
    • $worksheet_o->write() which writes to a particular cell of the worksheet

    With the functions above, I wrote a crude filter in 84 lines. (I'd love to see if someone else has a better approach, by the way!)

    It suffers from a number of limitations, including that it applies the list of values to keep to any worksheet present in the workbook (probably not what you want, but this was just a proof of concept) and it leaves blanks for excluded columns (again, just a proof of concept).

    Hope that helps. (Look forward to if others have better code to do the same.)

    Update: 2023-05-06

    Sample command
    ./ --input input.xlsx --output.xlsx

    Sample input:

    Sample output:

      wow Thanks for that, that is definitely a great reference for what I'm trying to do, I appreciate it the proof of conecept.
Re: Deleting a excel column
by NERDVANA (Priest) on May 10, 2023 at 00:25 UTC
    Since you said the columns aren't always the same or in order, I'd recommend Data::TableReader to do the work of extracting the ones you care about, and then you can use a variation of your write_excel to write them by name.

    Also take a look at Data::Table which makes writing and reading very convenient.

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