I think a possible approach to this would look roughly like: create an individual hash lookup for each array, and an additional results hash containing all the elements; then for each element of the results hash, check its presence in each of the individual hashes and build up a representation (such as a bitvector) to reflect that. If you need to group elements by the type of intersection, you can store a result by the bitvector in yet another hash.
my $grouped = intersector([1..5], [3..7], [2, 6]);
print join(' ', @$_), "\n" for values %$grouped;
# output (in some order):
# 2
# 6
# 1
# 5 3 4
# 7
exit 0;
sub intersector {
# accept a list of arrayrefs
my @ar = @_;
my(%all, @single);
# initialize the results hash %all and all the individual hashes in
for my $i (0 .. $#ar) {
my $a = $ar[$i];
@all{@$a} = (undef) x @$a;
$single[$i] = { map +($_ => undef), @$a };
# now for each element, find its signature
for my $el (keys %all) {
my $sig = '';
for my $i (0 .. $#ar) {
vec($sig, $i, 1) = 1 if exists $single[$i]{$el};
# store the final signature in the results array if needed
$all{$el} = $sig;
# store the element by its signature if needed
push @{ $grouped{$sig} }, $el;
# now analyse further, or return a result
return \%grouped;
A space saving can be made by combining the two main loops, removing the need for @single; I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.