G'day baxy77bax,
"any algorithm that can produce a solution for more than 7 arrays would be acceptable"
Major Update:
On reviewing my post, I noticed some of the intersections were missing: A-B-F, A-D, and so on.
There was a major logic flaw in the 'for my $elem (keys %temp) { ... }' loop.
I've completely rewritten that loop, made a couple of minor changes elsewhere, and reposted the output.
The previous code and output has been stricken and is in the spoiler for any who wish to review the changes.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my %data = (
A => [qw{ant bee cat dog eel fly gnu hog}],
B => [qw{ant cat eel gnu}],
C => [qw{bee dog fly hog}],
D => [qw{cat fly ant}],
E => [qw{ant dog gnu}],
F => [qw{gnu bee}],
G => [qw{eel hog}],
H => [qw{zoo}],
I => [qw{}],
my %temp;
for my $set (keys %data) {
my @elems = @{$data{$set}};
@elems = ('') unless @elems;
for my $elem (@elems) {
push @{$temp{$elem}}, $set;
my (%venn, %seen);
for my $elem (sort keys %temp) {
my @sets = @{$temp{$elem}};
my $glob_expr = '{' . join(',', @sets) . '}';
for my $i (1 .. $#sets) {
$glob_expr .= '-{,' . join(',', @sets[$i .. $#sets]) . '}';
for my $key (glob($glob_expr)) {
next if $key =~ /([^-]+)(?=.*?\1)/;
$key =~ y/-/-/s;
$key =~ s/(?:^-|-$)//g;
$key = join '-', sort split /-/, $key;
push @{$venn{$key}}, $elem unless $seen{$key}{$elem}++;
# DEMO: Output
my $fmt = "%-7s %s %s\n";
no warnings 'qw';
printf $fmt, qw{Sets # Elements};
printf $fmt, qw{---- - --------};
printf $fmt, $_, 0+@{$venn{$_}}, "@{$venn{$_}}" for sort keys %venn;
Sets # Elements
---- - --------
A 8 ant bee cat dog eel fly gnu hog
A-B 4 ant cat eel gnu
A-B-D 2 ant cat
A-B-D-E 1 ant
A-B-E 2 ant gnu
A-B-E-F 1 gnu
A-B-F 1 gnu
A-B-G 1 eel
A-C 4 bee dog fly hog
A-C-D 1 fly
A-C-E 1 dog
A-C-F 1 bee
A-C-G 1 hog
A-D 3 ant cat fly
A-D-E 1 ant
A-E 3 ant dog gnu
A-E-F 1 gnu
A-F 2 bee gnu
A-G 2 eel hog
B 4 ant cat eel gnu
B-D 2 ant cat
B-D-E 1 ant
B-E 2 ant gnu
B-E-F 1 gnu
B-F 1 gnu
B-G 1 eel
C 4 bee dog fly hog
C-D 1 fly
C-E 1 dog
C-F 1 bee
C-G 1 hog
D 3 ant cat fly
D-E 1 ant
E 3 ant dog gnu
E-F 1 gnu
F 2 bee gnu
G 2 eel hog
H 1 zoo
I 1