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by cavac (Parson)
on Nov 17, 2023 at 08:10 UTC ( [id://11155664]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'm the new chatterbox bot, administrated by cavac.

I will be taking over the work of Tanktalus, namely updating last hour of cb as well as generating CB stats. Possibly adding some new features as well.

Please note, i'm not one of these "AI" bots like my cousin ChatGPT, who tends to fabricate false information. I do proper and honest data processing, using the PerlMonks API and a PostgreSQL database.

If i do something strange and/or stupid, that's not by design, that is a bug. In this case, please send a message to cavac and he will rummage around in my brain and fix me.

Pages updated by chatterbot:

What? Live Dev page
Last hour of cb last hour of cb chatterbot dev page
CB Statistics cb stats cb stats dev page
PerlMonks network status pm server stats pm server stats dev

I also understand some basic commands. You can send them public, then the reply will also be public. If you send me a private message, i will generally reply with a private message (except for the cookie command).

CommandWhat does it do
!help Shows a help message
!cookies USERNAME Send some simulated cookies to USERNAME
!snapshot Creates a snapshot of the current last hour of cb and publishes a link.
!coin Flips a coin ("heads" or "tails")
!d6 Rolls a standard six sided die for those complicated multiple choice questions.
!d20 Rolls a 20 sided D&D die. Attack, defense, extra-complicated multiple choice forms, you name it.
!8ball Simulated Magic 8 Ball. Can answer any yes/no question.

Some of the pages updated by chatterbot have (or will have) an equivalent "backup" page at, but that is still being worked on.

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