Re^4: RFC: Add profile field "emergency contact" or such like as
by LanX (Saint) on Dec 01, 2023 at 00:06 UTC
I see 4 types of monks here
- regulars who were extremely careful to hide their identity, I remember a "what happened to BUK" thread, and those won't share any emergency contact.
- regulars which keep their identity confident inside a small group of other regulars, they can be contacted via said group if there is a similar thread.
- regulars with open or (semi) open identity like me, they are easily googled.
- non-regulars, well who would care to know
Bottom line, if someone really wants others to know "what happened", he'll already have social contact to others here.
Or is anyone here belonging to a 5th group, wanting to explain their case?
I mean yeah, we can add a secret textarea in settings or in edit-profile to fill in an emergency contact. I just doubt the investment will pay off 🤷🏻♂️
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I remember a "what happened to BUK" thread
You just provoked me into expanding my Perl Monks Vandalism References with a new Missing Monks section. :)
If the "what happened to BUK" thread you remembered is not listed there,
it would be good if you could let us know so I can keep searching.
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I just doubt the investment will pay off
Maybe. The investment was less than 5 minutes of my time, so... 🤷🏻♂️
(Go to User Settings, see the new field 'Next Of Kin POC'. I'm open to ideas for better wording.)
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5 min of your time for adding another field in user settings is OK!
(even if the explanation in the sitedoclet still seems to be missing :)
The title says "profile field", I suppose this would have taken longer ;)
May I still suggest that the policy regarding email contact is also amended ?
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I had originally added this field in User Settings. I have now moved it to the user "profile". It's near the bottom.
(PS: We need some members of SiteDocClan to document these recently added features in the FAQ.
Please see the SDC To-Do Wiki. TIA)
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Re^4: RFC: Add profile field "emergency contact" or such like as
by cavac (Parson) on Dec 01, 2023 at 12:01 UTC
Perhaps the next-of-kin can even volunteer to take absent Monk's place and continue the divine work?
Oh no! Most of my family thinks that WhatsApp is the best chat app for your privacy and security problems don't happen because they run Windows. Giving them write access to my source code (or to that of the monastery) would be an astonishingly bad move, second only to inviting Kim Jong Un to run your workers union.
I mean, i love my family and i'm perfectly fine if you want to do this experiment. Just make doubly sure i *really* have passed of before you start, i want to be safely on the other side of the (barred) pearly gates before the fit hits the shan...
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I recognize that your comment was mostly tongue-in-cheek, but to the extent that it wasn't:
Nothing in this proposal affects who can log in. Essentially, if you were unexpectedly gone for a year or something and another monk was worried about you, we (the admins) would have a way to reach out to "someone" and ask if you're OK.
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A post mortem forwarding service may be the next big business opportunity.
Something like:
Make sure your widow can reply to all messages from your drink buddies, while bills from porn sites are automatically deleted.
Triggered after your mobile stopped recording your breath for a week ...
(hmm ... /me in anticipation of "Google RIP", "Meta Death" and "iGrave" to hit the market soon 🤔)
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I guess the PM version would be something like "PerlMonks: Season 2"
I look at these things with humor, in the spirit of Monty Python: "Always look on the bright side of death"
(german language joke follows) Oder halt, wie mans aus den Bauernregeln kennt: "Stirbt da Bauer im Oktober, braucht er im Winter kan Pullover. Stirbt der Bauer früh im Mai, wird a Fremdenzimmer frei."(*)
Plus, the moment you find a way to live forever, the government will decide that it might as well tax you forever.
(*) Explanation for people not familiar with the German language and the Austrian culture:
A "Bauernregel" is an easily remembered rule, usually for farming that is designed to remember when to sow what, etc. I think the english version is something like a "weather proverb". These are joke versions(**) of these types of rules; roughly translated: "If the farmer dies in october, he wont need a sweater for winter. If the farmer dies in may, another guestroom is available for renting out."
(**) Let's construct a basic one that sort of works in German and in English. The only thing to culturally understand is that in German speaking countries, the last day of the year is called "Silvester". So you can say (in german) "Ists zu Silvester hell und klar, ist am nächsten Tag Neujahr", which translates nearly 1:1 to english: "If on Silvester the weather, it is nice and clear, the next day is New Years".(***)
(***) The joke here is that it is undefined what happens if you run into foul weather. New Years might happen anyway. Or you might have to continue with December 32nd...
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