Now in theory it could happen that you have an array of a handful elements and after 1 million combined push and shift operations it allocates megabytes of space while not logically growing.
I doubt this happens
That's my position also. And I was bored, so here's the proof.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# USAGE: ./
# DESCRIPTION: Test memory consumption of a push/shift FIFO
# See
use strict;
use warnings;
use Memory::Usage;
my @fifo;
my $max = 100_000_000;
my $mu = Memory::Usage->new;
$mu->record ('start');
for my $count (1 .. $max) {
push @fifo, 'dog';
shift @fifo;
$mu->record ("After $count iterations") unless $count % 10_000_000
$mu->record ('finish');
And since not everyone can run this, here's the output:
$ time vsz ( diff) rss ( diff) shared ( diff) code ( dif
+f) data ( diff)
0 10780 ( 10780) 6544 ( 6544) 5448 ( 5448) 4 ( 4)
+ 1356 ( 1356) start
3 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 10000000 iterations
5 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 20000000 iterations
8 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 30000000 iterations
10 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 40000000 iterations
12 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 50000000 iterations
15 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 60000000 iterations
17 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 70000000 iterations
20 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 80000000 iterations
22 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 90000000 iterations
24 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) After 100000000 iterations
24 10780 ( 0) 6544 ( 0) 5448 ( 0) 4 ( 0)
+ 1356 ( 0) finish
As expected, no leak whatsoever.
It could also be an issue if the OS doesn't "take back" released memory.
Of course, but so could any program doing anything. That doesn't constitute a leak.