The important thing is not what you know, but knowing how you learn mo
+re. It's not knowing the right answer; it's knowing how to ask the ri
+ght questions. -- Larry Wall (
Raising different kids requires different approaches, just like comput
+er problems do. -- Larry Wall
The only way to become smart is to be stupid first. -- Larry Wall
I daresay the majority of large companies are still using Perl, even i
+f their managers don't know they're using it. ;-) -- Larry Wall (http
We are taught to value simplicity and beauty. That's nice. I like circ
+les too. However, complexity is not always the enemy. What's importan
+t is not simplicity or complexity, but how to bridge the two. -- Larr
+y Wall (
and so far they seem like a great bunch of folks. the sort of folk who
+ just like to quietly do good in the world :) -- TimToady a.k.a. Larr
+y Wall (
The greatness is measured by how much freedom you give to others, not
+by how much you can coerce others to do that you want. -- Larry Wall
Perl is obviously my attempt to help other people to be creative. In m
+y little way, I'm sneakily helping people understand a bit more about
+ the sort of people God likes. -- Larry Wall (http://interviews.slash
It is an unfortunate fact that, human nature being what it is, an ounc
+e of cheerleading often beats a pound of rational discussion. -- Larr
+y Wall (
TimToady thinks in his more arrogant moments that Perl 5 is great beca
+use it was designed to allow a CPAN to develop... -- Larry Wall on #p
+erl6 (
It can get confusing. Hey, I'm confused most of the time. -- Larry Wal
+l, Perl Cookbook's foreword
The essential thing "in heaven and earth" is ... that there should be
+long obedience in the same direction; there thereby results, and has
+always resulted in the long run, something which has made life worth
+living. -- Friedrich Nietzsche (
Similarly, Perl was designed to be a mess (though in the nicest of pos
+sible ways). -- Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution
+( Larry Wall