in reply to SO and AI

Is Perlmonks going to do this?

Obviously not. This site was built by perl programmers, for perl programmers. You are we.

No one has approached us (the admins) to offer us piles of dough for a dump of our data; and if perchance someone did, we'd say no.

Why? Aside from the ethical ordure which such an offer would represent, we have no need of piles of dough. Our operating costs are zero. That's why don't have ads.
And if you think Corion and I are even remotely susceptible to the lure of lucre for betraying the trust of our (sadly, dwindling) users, then, you really don't understand how this place works.

Now, all that being said, we don't own the servers on which PerlMonks runs. If Pair decided to sell our data residing on their servers, we wouldn't have much means to stop them. I suppose we could try to get TPF to bring legal leverage to bear, but (IANAL) I doubt they'd have much legal leg to stand on in that regard either.

Beyond that, please see How can I wipe every trace of myself from PerlMonks?

And Don't Panic.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: SO and AI (update x 2)
by LanX (Saint) on May 20, 2024 at 14:46 UTC
    There is a difference between sponsoring and owning.

    Pair could sell the data on the servers as much as my landlord could sell my furniture or my diaries.

    They are nowhere mentioned any more than as sponsors, and The Perl Foundation is obviously the legal owner of the site.°¹

    What's rather wondering me is in how far an AI can be excluded from crawling data here, if search engines aren't...

    Cheers Rolf

    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
    see Wikisyntax for the Monastery

    °) see footer

    • PerlMonks is a proud member of the The Perl Foundation.
    • Speedy Servers and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks

    ¹) IANAL either but owning the site doesn't mean owning the posted content. Additionally did the authors forfeit their right to delete their posts. This means the content is dedicated to a cause.

    IMHO any further use of the content can only happen within the boundaries of already agreed upon use.

    Like PM offering an extended search engine of their own.

    How far an AI can go to disclose which input was used to attribute the authors, is beyond my expertise.

      The Perl Foundation is obviously the legal owner of the site

      As far as I've been able to discover so far, this site doesn't actually have an owner. Certainly in the early days it was owned by the Everything Development Corporation (EDC), but I'm not sure that entity still exists; and when it dissolved, I don't know how PerlMonks was disposed (if at all).

      Corion wrote: is loosely related to TPF. TPF provides the legal entity representing in the real world.

      That doesn't sound like ownership.

      I'm pretty sure that if TPF owned PerlMonks, they'd have been at least somewhat involved in the running of the place. But they never have been.

      Update: After some research, I've found evidence that TPF has tried to be involved in PM a little, on very few occasions, mainly/solely having to do with the question of how best to use the funds which have accumulated in TPF's PerlMonks earmark. (As far as I know, nothing was ever resolved and the funds remain unused.)

      Today's latest and greatest software contains tomorrow's zero day exploits.
        We had a prior discussion that TPF is providing legal representation. That's what the term in the footer means.

        PerlMonks was recently assimilated by The Perl Foundation.

        I'd say they are the "owners", but would need to compensate the cabals in case they wanted to transfer this ownership.

        Speculative now, and I don't know if it's even worth speculating.

        Cheers Rolf
        (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
        see Wikisyntax for the Monastery

        > have accumulated in TPF's PerlMonks earmark.

        That's a general problem for the TPF, I remember them saying they have millions they can't spend because they were donated for special projects.

        Cheers Rolf
        (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
        see Wikisyntax for the Monastery