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Re^4: Perl and Mysql Queries

by etj (Priest)
on Jun 11, 2024 at 08:41 UTC ( [id://11159894]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Perl and Mysql Queries
in thread Perl and Mysql Queries

That's going to be the problem. Generally, this sort of thing can be detected with e.g.:
perl -cw filename.cgi
Also, the OP desperately needs to start using git or similar SCM so they can see literally what changed between "it's working" and "it's not working".

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Re^5: Perl and Mysql Queries
by mldvx4 (Friar) on Jun 11, 2024 at 09:59 UTC

    Git is very easy to install locally and would be helpful in tracking the problematic change(s). Git is also quite easy to extend to allow multiple participant. Once installed the basics are easy enough to pick up and there is an abundance of tutorials and guides. My own anecdote is that I found it tremendously useful for my latest Perl projects even before I started adding other people to the project. I did it early in the first one but realized that it would have been even better to use it from the start.

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