colintu has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I have an Entry widget where the textvariable is initialised as a numeric before the widget is created. The widget and validate routine looks like:
my @c_speed = (5, 8, 12, 8); my $cs_e1 = $seg1_f->Entry(-textvariable => \$c_speed[0], -width => +4, -validate => 'all', -vcmd => \&validate_speed, -font => $med_font)->grid( -row => 0, -column => 1, -sticky => "w"); sub validate_speed{ my $val = shift; $val ||= 0; #get alphas and punctuation out if( $val !~ /^\d+$/ ){ return 0 } if (($val >= 0) and ($val <= 20)) {return 1} else{ return 0 } }
To me this looks like $val is being treated as a string (if( $val !~ /^\d+$/ )) and then on the next line as a numeric variable ($val >= 0) etc. The code does what I want/expect but how? Is this just 'magic behind the curtain'?
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