I might add that indeed, the domain is misconfigured from multiple points of view.
1. Glue is missing
2. The non-glued NS is refusing queries
However, from what I read in the module's code, it should still work around this and circle back to the working NS
Right now my code works only if it falls by chance on the working NS
This is code from the module's source, I actually see it print "recover missing glue for .." in debug mode
sub _recurse {
my ( $self, $query, $apex ) = @_;
$self->_diag("using cached nameservers for $apex");
my $cache = $self->{persistent}->{$apex};
my @nslist = keys %$cache;
my @glue = grep { $$cache{$_} } @nslist;
my @noglue = grep { !$$cache{$_} } @nslist;
my $reply;
foreach my $ns ( @glue, @noglue ) {
if ( my $iplist = $$cache{$ns} ) {
} else {
$self->_diag("recover missing glue for $ns");
next if substr( lc($ns), -length($apex) ) eq $apex;
my @ip = $self->nameservers($ns);
$$cache{$ns} = \@ip;
last if $reply = $self->SUPER::send($query);
$$cache{$ns} = undef; # park non-responder
return unless $reply;
my $zone = $self->_referral($reply) || return $reply;
die '_recurse exceeded depth limit' if $self->{recurse_depth}++ >
my $qname = lc( ( $query->question )[0]->qname );
my $suffix = substr( $qname, -length($zone) );
return $zone eq $suffix ? $self->_recurse( $query, $zone ) : undef