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Re: Evaluating the condition ($x)

by hv (Prior)
on Aug 26, 2024 at 03:36 UTC ( [id://11161352]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Evaluating the condition ($x)

It is best explained using "deparse with extra parentheses":

% perl -MO=Deparse,-p -ce '($x) ? $z = "true" : $z = "false";' (($x ? ($z = "true") : $z) = "false"); -e syntax OK %

That's a lot of parens, the important pair is: ($x ? $z = "true" : $z) = "false".

The precedence is such that in this case, the ternary expression is $x ? $z  = "true" : $z. Let's call the result of that $y. That then forms the left hand side of $y = "false". So when $x is true it assigns "true" to $z, then yields $z as an lvalue to apply the second assignment $z = "false", immediately overwriting the "true".

The moral of the story is: put disambiguating parens round all but the simplest expressions in a ternary operator.

% perl -wle '$x = 1; $x ? ($z = "true") : ($z = "false"); print $z' true % # or of course make them simple expressions: % perl -wle '$x = 1; $z = $x ? "true" : "false"; print $z' true %

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