PDL 2.092 has just been released. Notable changes since 2.087:
- fix badvalue propagation
- core support for PDL::Parallel::threads
- change dataflow to work one-shot each time like "inplace"
- add demos of PDL::GSL::RNG, PDL::GSL::CDF, PDL::Func
- fix MatrixOps::eigens for asymmetric case inc complex eigenvectors
- wfits fixed to handle multi-line HISTORY
- fix handling large Perl scalar values
- add spline-handling functions in PDL::Slatec
- PP dim sizes can be =CALC(...) instead of explicit RedoDimsCode
The IRC channel (#pdl on irc.perl.org) is a great virtual place to come and ask questions, or just watch the GitHub messages flow by.
As usual, please give the new release a try and report problems.