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PDL website updated including "demos" section

by etj (Priest)
on Sep 20, 2024 at 01:03 UTC ( [id://11161868]=perlnews: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Esteemed monks, the PDL website at was updated today:
  • the "News" section was updated with releases from this year for various PDL-related modules
  • the "demos" section (, or the "Demos" link in the sidebar) was updated to have the text and output (including images, including animations) of not two but now eight PDL demos - a couple of them might be considered quite neat
  • the front page had some text added with something of a "why use PDL" pitch
It would be very helpful if those who have time could take a look at any of those, and comment if there are any mistakes or possible improvements (or even if they think it's good).
  • Comment on PDL website updated including "demos" section

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