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Toronto Perl Mongers present Dave Cross: Still Data Munging with Perl

by talexb (Chancellor)
on Nov 18, 2024 at 17:25 UTC ( [id://11162792]=perlnews: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Well-known Perl author Dave Cross will be giving a talk titled Still Data Munging with Perl at 4pm Toronto time (8pm London time), on March 27, 2025. The event page is here; please register!

Like the Randall Schwartz event, this will be a virtual event. A link will be posted to the page once we have that organized.

PS There are currently 134 people signed up for Randall's talk. I figured we'd be doing well if we got 25 people. The Perl community is so cool.

Alex / talexb / Toronto

Thanks PJ. We owe you so much. Groklaw -- RIP -- 2003 to 2013.

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