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PerlMonks |
Script to scrap databy Anonymous Monk |
on Dec 01, 2024 at 23:38 UTC ( [id://11162964]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Dear Monks,
I am trying to extract (in csv, txt or any human-readable format), the data from the table results in this website: According to table headings, I want my script to ask for two dates for the top letf column "FECHA DEL TRAMITE" (prodedure date), and set two fixed dates (always 01/01/1900 and 31/12/2000) in the "FECHA MATRICULA" (plate date) column. You can also add more columns to the table by clicking in "Columnas" at the topright. By doing this, I add "Prov. Matriculacion", and I also want my script to ask input for this field. Then, according to this criteria, table results are displayed, and this is what I want to store in csv, txt or similar. I have this code so runs ok, but does not properly store the data. I would be super grateful if I can get some help to make the script work. Many thanks in advance!
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