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DuckDuckGo Donates $25,000 to The Perl and Raku Foundation

by marto (Cardinal)
on Dec 03, 2024 at 16:24 UTC ( [id://11162990]=perlnews: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

DuckDuckGo Donates $25,000 to The Perl and Raku Foundation.

DuckDuckGo Growth

Today, on “Giving Tuesday”, The Perl and Raku Foundation (TPRF) is extremely pleased to announce a donation of $25,000 from DuckDuckGo. Since 2011, DuckDuckGo has donated over 6 million dollars to organizations that align with their “vision of raising the standard of trust online”.

  • Comment on DuckDuckGo Donates $25,000 to The Perl and Raku Foundation

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Re: DuckDuckGo Donates $25,000 to The Perl and Raku Foundation
by cavac (Parson) on Dec 05, 2024 at 12:45 UTC

    I wonder what this money is going to be used for.

    Personally, i wouldn't say no to a dedicated PerlMonks development server. I hardly to any pmdev stuff, because working on the one-and-only live system makes me queasy. Full code/database access would also make it possible to do some low level work like changing the way we store passwords or replace the 1990's chat system backend with something more speedy and capable (including integrating chatterbot/last hours/stats into the core system).

    PerlMonks XP is useless? Not anymore: XPD - Do more with your PerlMonks XP
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      I hardly do any pmdev stuff, because working on the one-and-only live system makes me queasy.

      I don't think that's why. You as a developer can't modify the live system, you only submit patches. I modify the live system. And I do it a lot. You don't need to worry about it. On the contrary: I'd love to see you and the other pmdevils submitting lots of patches. It is completely safe to do so.

        I also don't think that's why.

        Not being able to test changes in a local environment, results in what is basically programming by guesswork, which I think is too awkward and not sustainable for many people.

      ... like changing the way we store passwords or replace the 1990's chat system backend ...

      I personally believe that a better solution to our current woes is to develop PerlMonks 2.0.

      Please see this thread for further discussion on this topic.

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