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Re: CPAN: Module version versus kit version

by syphilis (Archbishop)
on Dec 06, 2024 at 01:16 UTC ( [id://11163051]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to CPAN: Module version versus kit version

Whenever that's happened to me (and it's happened a few times), I just bump the version of the .pm file(s) and upload a new distro (with a matching version number) to PAUSE.
I reckon I've seen plenty of others adopt the same approach, and there's no rule that version 1.11 has to be different from version 1.10, apart from the different $VERSION settings, of course.

There used to be a recommendation (might still apply - dunno, don't care) that version numbers in pm files be specified like:
our $VERSION = '1.10'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION;
When you do that, the condition $VERSION eq '1.10' becomes untrue, owing to the terminating '0' :
Owner@DESKTOP-88J497T ~ $ perl -e 'our $VERSION = "1.10"; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; print "WTF +" if $VERSION ne "1.10";' WTF Owner@DESKTOP-88J497T ~ $ perl -e 'our $VERSION = "1.11"; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; print "WTF +" if $VERSION ne "1.11";' Owner@DESKTOP-88J497T ~
Needless to say, I therefore don't do that "eval", but I now also avoid specifying a version number that ends in 0 - just in case.
These days, my module would go (eg) from version "1.09" straight to "1.11".


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Re^2: CPAN: Module version versus kit version
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Dec 06, 2024 at 17:50 UTC

    Whenever that's happened to me (and it's happened a few times), I just bump the version of the .pm file(s)

    Sure, you could do that, but the OP specifically asked not to.

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