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Re: CPAN: Module version versus kit version

by ikegami (Patriarch)
on Dec 06, 2024 at 17:47 UTC ( [id://11163064]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to CPAN: Module version versus kit version

You didn't say what installer you use, but I'm going to assume it's ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

I presume you have something like the following:

VERSION_FROM => "lib/",

Replace it with the following:

VERSION => "1.10.1",

That will set the kit distribution's version to 1.10.1 without requiring a change to lib/

That said, there's no harm in simply bumping the module's version even if it's otherwise unchanged.

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Re^2: CPAN: Module version versus kit version
by syphilis (Archbishop) on Dec 06, 2024 at 23:57 UTC
    That said, there's no harm in simply bumping the module's version even if it's otherwise unchanged.

    Sure, you could do that, but the OP specifically asked not to.


      You're mistaken. I provided a solution that met the OP's requirements.

        You're mistaken. I provided a solution that met the OP's requirements.

        You're mistaken. I've not suggested otherwise.


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