Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Hi again Monks,
A few days ago I posted a question about extracting the data of the table in
I got some good answers (thanks!) and now I think I am close of my goal.
Looking at the DevTools, looks like it's a POST request with an AJAX call on admin-ajax.php?action=get_wdtable&table_id=414. Also, looking at the Payload, in the Form Data section there is all the info about the table columns and input values (starting with "draw..."). Finally, looking at Response we find a JSON with the results.
To be precise, what I need is a script able to make the request, and also able to get the JSON response, which would be stored in txt, csv or similar.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.