I have the following lines in my global.asa
if ($path[0] eq 'cms' && ($path[1] eq 'auth' || $path[1] eq 'upload'))
+ {
$Response->{Status} = 403;
The problem is that status is undef if i
warn Dumper($Response), and also in the headers of the response on the client side the status is 200
Only if I use
$Server->Transfer( "index.asp" ) instead of $Response->End();
only then I get the 403 status but then I get the following error in the logs.
error executing code for include /opt/apache/htdocs/..../index.asp: no
+ include
Which makes sense because the index.asp does not exist.
But why when there is an error then the status does change to 403, and when I just use $Reponse->End() or just return, it doesn't work?
I would appreciate if someone shares some light into this
Thanks for you time and consideration