From Stonekettle Station, i.e. Jim Wright:
First thing: before you comment, read the rules. They're pinned at the top of the forum. If you need help finding them, ask, someone will point you to the right place.
Read the rules. All of them. I made them funny, but I mean every word. This isn't Twitter. This isn't 4-chan. Don't act like it is.
Wheaton Rules: Don't be a dick.
You are adults, I will treat you that way, meaning you are responsible for adhering to the rules, behaving yourself, and being respectful, considerate, and decent to each other. You get one chance. You violate the rules, out you go and you're blocked from all of my feeds. If you want to be here, act like it.
I know how this sounds, I do. But I'm riding herd on 60,000 opinionated people and I'm neither patient nor pathologically capable of suffering fools, gladly or otherwise.
Read the rules. Welcome aboard. I'm glad you're here.
Of course, such a CoC could not be adopted here, because his "forum" is a one-man show.
Note: by "Wheaton Rules", he means Wheaton's Law.
In case you're curious, here are his actual group guidelines, i.e. forum rules:
- You don't have to agree, with me or each other.
- However, it should be noted that I am pathologically incapable of suffering fools, gladly or otherwise.
- Proceed at your own risk.
- If you're disagreeing because you are pathologically incapable of agreeing even with posts that you actually agree with, you're likely to get on my nerves in short order.
- If you're disagreeing because you think you've been appointed this group's moral conscience, you're likely to get on my nerves in short order.
- If your comment contains the phrase "be better" or the word "gross", you have already gotten on my nerves.
- See Rule 1.1.
- When you disagree, with me or each other, do it in a civilized manner.
- Regard rational disagreement as a challenge. Points will be awarded for style, accuracy, politeness, and measured delivery.
- Should disagreement become heated to the point of {insults, the hurling of curses and hexes, fisticuffs, dueling, murder, and so on}, disengage immediately.
- Never insult a man's mustache or his hat. (And never ever compliment a woman's mustache, no matter how spectacular).
- Try to err on the side of not being a jerk.
- Everybody acts like a jerk once in a while, me included. When that happens and it's pointed out that you're doing it, stop doing it.
- When you've acted like a jerk, me included, apologies go a long way.
- If you don't know how to apologize, post a cat picture.
- Don’ts: No racism. No sexism. No homophobia. No transphobia. No stalking. No harassing. No proselytizing (this includes Mac users and Vegans). No anti-Semitism. No Islamaphobia. No passive aggression. No spam. No tattling. No smoking. No ellipsis used as a period (use a period, dammit). No chewing with your mouth open. And most important: left lane fast, right lane slow.
- Strongly suggested: Please don’t use "tard". Try to avoid logical fallacies. Don’t use "begs the question" incorrectly, because then I have to educate you, and your feelings will be hurt, and then we’ll have to practice #3 and I don’t want to have to apologize. Try to avoid wild ass unsupported by fact and/or science conspiracy theories. If you’re a {flat earther, anti-vaxxer, young earth creationist, moon landing denier, somebody who thinks tofu is food, etc.}, please keep that shit to yourself.
- If I didn’t post about {whatever crazy thing is happening}, don’t try to change the current topic to {whatever crazy thing is happening}. I’ll get to it. Maybe.
- I tend to profanity.
- I’m genetically predisposed to profanity (my dad was a Sailor too).
- I’ve had professional training in profanity.
- I’m saying I tend in the direction of profanity. If that’s going to be a problem for you, exit the ride now.
- No. I’m not accepting group admins or moderators at this time.
- Really.
- If you're doing something and I ask you to stop doing it, stop doing it.
- If I'm feeling generous, you might get one warning. Then it's the airlock.
- I rarely feel generous.
- If you're going to get yourself airlocked, try not to do it over something stupid and trivial. Make it count and don't forget we'll be mocking you for days afterward. Please try to provide the group with sufficient material.
- I can be bribed with good whiskey, good coffee, chocolate of any kind, and money.
- Mostly money.
- Please don't offer sex. I'm full up.
- If there’s a problem, message me.
- Preferably before it’s a problem.
- Don’t message me just because you need attention. If you need validation, get a dog.
- Wash your fucking hands.
Some of these are reasonable and broadly applicable.
Re: Another "code of conduct" idea, from Stonekettle Station
by bliako (Abbot) on Feb 05, 2025 at 11:06 UTC
*I* believe that any "code of conduct" is by definition a nanny-state device for streamlining alignment with the political orthodoxy (of the day, shall we not wait until the new planet-owner settles down in his throne?). And further, its mention in "adult" forums demotes these to the nursery school level. I also understand that some people feel more comfortable with guidelines, giving them or obeying them. As a middle-of-way suggestion: please if you must have a "code of conduct", fill it in with lots and lots of expletives. Expletives, and more expletives. You can't have enough expletives in a "code of conduct".
bw, bliako
p.s. my intention here is not to shoot the messenger and I am not
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