Hi, this is my first post so please bear with me. I learn fast though so please correct me if I'm not following procedure.
I'm just starting out with sockets and I'm trying to write a simple client/server to send data back and forth between each other. The client sends the server something off of STDIN and then the server is supposed to print it out, then reverse it and send it back to the client to be printed out over there. I've got the client sending the data and the server prints it out but the client doesn't print out the reversed string until the next time I enter something on it. That is, if I enter 'hello' I get back nothing but then when I enter 'there' I get back 'olleh'. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. Here's the relevant parts of my client & server if someone can point me in the right direction.
print "# ";
$msg = <STDIN>;
while ($msg !~ /^end$/)
print $sock "$msg";
my $in_msg = <$sock>;
print "> ",$in_msg;
print "# ";
$msg = <STDIN>;
$session = $sock->accept();
while (<$session>)
$recv_msg = $_;
print $recv_msg;
$send_msg = scalar reverse $recv_msg;
print $session $send_msg;
Thanks a lot in advance.