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Re: Re: (VERY Off Topic) Parking Lot

by OzzyOsbourne (Chaplain)
on Sep 14, 2001 at 17:47 UTC ( [id://112420]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: (VERY Off Topic) Parking Lot
in thread The World Trade Center Tragedy

What you fail to understand is that this would have decimated smaller countries. A country expended 18 people to not only kill thousands of people but to immobilize a nation.

If the retribution is not on a massive scale, I'm sure that you will agree, that it is a tactical victory for a country to expend 18 people in the future. A trial is not going to deter future actions. The tactical loss by your plan is very small, and will not prevent future attacks. I'm afraid that a large show of force on a population that cares nothing about civilians, is necessary.

And I love when people say that we have a high opinion of ourselves. We dole out aid and protection, and we are crapped on by the rest of the world and that we should be very calm when faced with the worst attack that we have ever faced.

If it had not been for the US having such big opinions of where it belongs in wold politics, I'm afraid that you would be speaking German and goose stepping down the streets.


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Re: Re: Re: (VERY Off Topic) Parking Lot
by Kevman (Pilgrim) on Sep 14, 2001 at 18:05 UTC
    Your being a bit naive if you think only other nations would be speaking German
    Hitler was not intent (in my opinion) on just taking over Europe
    He would not have stopped there!!!
    Can we stop the "America saved Europe and got crapped on rhetoric
    If you have retribution on an epic scale, who will it be against????
    You cant bomb just anyone?????

    If you do, you won't be any better than the B*stards who did this!!!

    Update - Please dont bother voting this ++ or --.
    I just felt someone should reply to his message.....

      You are naive if you think that they wouldn't have. You are correct he was taking over all of Europe. The Soviets weren't doing a good job, the French got rolled over, the Italians had their own dictator, etc. the English were doing a stupendous job, but they were getting the crap knocked out of them, too.

      I don't think that it's rhetoric. We are crapped on consistently by countries that aren't afraid to take our aid or hide behind our support.

      The retribution goes to the country or countries that harbor and support the terrorists responsible.

      If we don't, you could be next.


        There was a couple of points I was trying to make:-

        1) Everyone (world wide) would have suffered if Hitler had won
        2) All the allies did their bit against Hitler
        3) Not everyone is crapping on the Americans - I'm not
        4) I agree you need retribution, but bear in mind that this could very easily spiral out of hand.
        If 8 people could do this, what may happen if the whole middle east rises up?
        You could easily be talking WWIII!!!
Re: Re: Re: (VERY Off Topic) Parking Lot
by stefp (Vicar) on Sep 14, 2001 at 19:21 UTC
    If it had not been for the US having such big opinions of where it belongs in wold politics, I'm afraid that you would be speaking German and goose stepping down the streets.

    Things are not that simple. America did not care about Europe until it was itself hit at Pearl Harbour. So please spare me the crap about US being a benevolent country being on a mission. Like any single country it veils its self-interest in ideology, here patriotic and religious. Note that I don't want to draw any parallel about the current event and Pearl Harbour. I was just talking about America in WW2.

    I'm sure that you will agree, that it is a tactical victory for a country to expend 18 people in the future.

    Like America, many countries in the name of RealPolitik breed all sort of evil armed and subversive groups. America has the power to do it outside of its own territory so its leaders think it will not to much affected it this backfires. But this snake breeders sooner or later are proven stupid. Tracking in the past the financial backing of the islamic nebula, if America had to do massive retaliation on all these backers, it will have to bomb itself. Anyway I am sure that the countries who breeded these terrorists are ashamed and embarassed. It is against their own interest that the consquences of their actions eventually took a so massive and gruesome proportion. Unlike Bush said, this will not be a war until it is proven that the head of a government decided to wage this attack againt US or Bush decides to hit a country he deems responsible of this attack.

    I just hope that the XXI century will see the dismise about idelogies like aggressive religions and nationalisms when we ultimately realize we live in the same very small planet.

    -- stefp

      Thank God your government and most of the world's governments do not share your opinions or this would be happening over and over again, bomb after bomb. As for being pulled in in WW2, we were. We tried to let Europe handle their own problems and did not get involved until attacked. The same has happened once again.

      I have a hard time listening to your opininions, because as a rule your country has historically benefitted the most, and treated us the worst of any nation in the Western world. God forbid that you are attacked in such a grand scale, and spend a couple of days worrying about where your loved ones are. But if such is the case, I shall be sure to return your reccomendations to you.

      Update: I may have been wrong in the initial lines of this post. From what I just heard, the French government does share his opinions, as they will not be backing the US.


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