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Re: How do I check WinNT user authentication from *nix?by idnopheq (Chaplain) |
on Sep 16, 2001 at 16:22 UTC ( [id://112710]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Non-perl answer:
What verion of samba are you running? The lack of anything in the NT logs makes me want to agree with your statement "so it seems like the queries aren't getting there at all". If you can, fire up tcpdump and see if any NetBIOS traffic is heading out tcp/udp 135, 137, & 139. Get WinDump for your NT server and check the same thing. If you haven't all ready, you may need to "join" the NT domain/workgroup. Also IIRC, there is a M$ Windows Services for UNIX which has some PAM modules to authenticate from *nix to NT. It costs @ $100USD and includes a bunch of stuff for the Windows side, like a slightly better telnet server ( than the one by default in W2K ) and the MKS tools.
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