sorry to post the question here but i haven't found it answered yet -
i looked at the tutorials, faqs, q&a parts, made a search and still have
no info so here it is
my hash is build in parsing an xml document (my $hash_name = XMLin($r
if i print Dumper($hash_name{'element1'}->{'element2'}), i get :
$VAR1 = {
'365' => {
another hash of hashes ...
'302' => {
another one
the point is that i want to retrieve '365' and/or '302' - they are not preset values
i thought that doing
my %tmp = $hash_name{'element1'}->{'element2'};
and then using keys %tmp would give me those values, but it doesn't
so please could someone help me ???
edit: Petruchio Tue Sep 18 11:55:13 UTC 2001 - Added