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Has Perlmonks become intolerant of opinion?

by Anonymous Monk
on Jun 30, 2015 at 20:21 UTC ( [id://1132697]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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Re: Has Perlmonks become intolerant of opinion?
by LanX (Saint) on Jul 01, 2015 at 08:18 UTC
    I'm trying hard to /ignore you and your mental problems Jeffa.

    And that's my personal decision and has nothing to do with politics, windows or illuminati.

    So pretty please do me the favor to not post your attacks anonymously.

    Btw: I voted keep and hope others would just decide not to feed further.

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language and ☆☆☆☆ :)
    Je suis Charlie!

      With all these reaped nodes the answer is clearly yes. Yes Perlmonks has become intolerant of opinion. But that is OK because we may always "view the original node and the consideration vote tally." Forever. Even after the current clique has been washed out. The wheel keeps turning.
Re: Has Perlmonks become intolerant of opinion?
by flexvault (Monsignor) on Jun 30, 2015 at 20:34 UTC

    Dear Monks,

    This was a candidate for the *new* 'OT section', but even I can't see it's relation to computers :-)


    "Well done is better than well said." - Benjamin Franklin

      It is a Perlmonks Discussion. About Perlmonks.
Re: Has Perlmonks become intolerant of opinion?
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 30, 2015 at 22:03 UTC
    *sigh* I'm worried about your health, too much smoka or not enough?
Re: Has Perlmonks become intolerant of opinion?
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 30, 2015 at 20:48 UTC
    If you go back and read old nodes you can see how the members here had more variety. Now they really do all sound like they are creations from the same person: all the movers and shakers have moved on. Not sure who these people here are now, they don't seem to have the same skills as the old members. Sure there are a few skilled in here, but they don't lead. They just keep the status quo happy. Which is very sad as this does not promote growth and progress. Just keeps people ignorant and in the dark.

      Well, you can help make the difference... (and not only with downvote)

      To be honest, all forums have dips and evolution in character. At the moment, perl is not hip, and used in stable legacy code. This attracts people like me, who mainly work on *ux and tolerate other OS'es. However, this forum is not about OS'es, but about perl, that compiles even on my toaster (ok, not exactly on my toaster, but you get the idea). Some have an opinion about things, and well, get a bit excited about it, some keep to themselves, and just lurk, making an incidental post. As time passes by older gits get replaced by younger ones, and the mentality changes. The way of communication changes. The way of expressing oneself changes. Sign of the times, I guess. Still, this is perlmonks and each member should behave like a monk (give and take some traits, we are not the same person). As for the "keep people ignorant"... that is a exaggeration. There are forum rules, and man, they are strict. Takes a while to get used to that. I don't like it that much myself, but it keeps the question and code quality up. Once you get passed that beginners level, where it seems a sin to even ask questions here because there is google and tutorials with the exact same answers, and similar old questions. Past that level, you start asking interesting questions, that others actually like to answer. (and I even go out of the way for you installing a weird module to test and reply with tested, working code. And learn myself in the process). And yes, eventually, I will move on. Just like everyone else does. Replying with quality IS a chore. But we do it for the love of Perl.

      Anyway... I just made beer, grab a keg

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