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Re^5: Win32::API in perl v5.20.2

by marto (Cardinal)
on Jul 04, 2015 at 06:47 UTC ( [id://1133125]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Win32::API in perl v5.20.2
in thread Win32::API in perl v5.20.2

Consider the portable option, you could run Strawberry side bybside with ActiveState for evaluation purposes.

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Re^6: Win32::API in perl v5.20.2
by marinersk (Priest) on Jul 04, 2015 at 13:59 UTC

    Excellent, thanks -- and after reading up, it sure sounds like this portable option could have resolved a deployability issue I'd had at a previous job where I wasn't allowed to formally install Perl, but could copy files back and forth and execute programs on the other end.

    If so, this would surely be a nice tool to have in the back pocket, in the event that ever comes up again.

      I keep a copy of Strawberry along with a mini cpan mirror (created using CPAN::Mini) on the SD card in my phone. It's been very hand in the past.

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