c:\@Work\Perl\monks>perl -wMstrict -le "my $s = 'In the table above, the characters themselves, in the first column, are links to descriptions of characters'; print qq{'$s'}; ;; my %xlate = qw(table tooble characters croobles selves others first second links loonks); ;; my ($word) = map qr{ $_ }xms, join q{ | }, keys %xlate ; print $word; ;; $s =~ s{ ($word) }{$xlate{$1}}xmsg; print qq{'$s'}; " 'In the table above, the characters themselves, in the first column, are links to descriptions of characters' (?msx-i: first | selves | table | links | characters ) 'In the tooble above, the croobles themothers, in the second column, are loonks to descriptions of croobles'