in reply to Re: Template::Toolkit - How do i access alias-based results?
in thread Template::Toolkit - How do i access alias-based results?

Using Perl - CGI I'd do it like this:
$hDB = _OracleConnect(); $hStatement = $hDB->prepare("MY SQL"); $hStatement->execute( $var1, $var2, $var3 ); while ( ( $ret1, $ret2, $ret3 ) = $hStatement->fetchrow_array ){ # do stuff } $hStatement->finish; $hDB->disconnect;
Or do you want me to data dump? If yes, in Template Toolkit, or just by using Perl CGI? Because I won't know how to dump this helpful in Template Toolkit.

Leaving the u prefix on the printings doesn't make a difference. I already tried this, just saying % % but still empty.