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Re: Re: ...PPMed module for Win32 (ancient diary of Sieperl woes)by idnopheq (Chaplain) |
on Sep 20, 2001 at 03:53 UTC ( [id://113503]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Figures! I go to your home node often, yet managed to miss this somehow ... prob. in a fit of self-imporance ... ~sigh~ I've never played w/ the Siemens' precompiled 5.00503 binary. In spite of my problems in the past with AS, it's still my Win32 perl of choice - at least since core perl merged into AS ... or the other way around ... Anywho, good to know. If Tutorials allows editing of root nodes, I'd like to modify mine post to specify AS better.
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