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Rename your ripped mp3 in a hurry

by Sigmund (Pilgrim)
on Sep 20, 2001 at 17:15 UTC ( [id://113580]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

this simple script renames your ripped mp3 (usually named 01.mp3, the ripper taking the titles from a file named "titles" which contains titles in order; this is because it's easier to write a single list of titles than renaming files one by one. And after all you could even find the titles' list on the net in a hurry!
as the ugly code itself explains, the titles' list resides in a file named (i'm original) "titles"!
I know, it's not beautiful code, neither good programming exercise, but my small brother who spends his time ripping every CD he's got, found it REALLY useful!!!


perl -le 's ssSss.s sSsSiss.s s$sSss.s s.$s\107ss.print'
#!/usr/bin/perl -w open (TITLES, "< titles" ); $counter = 0; while ($title=<TITLES>) { $counter ++; $number = $counter; if ($counter < 10) { $number = "0$counter"; } chomp $title; $title = "$number - $title.mp3"; print $title; print "\n"; $number = "$number.mp3"; rename $number, $title; } close (TITLES);

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Re: Rename your ripped mp3 in a hurry
by AltBlue (Chaplain) on Sep 26, 2001 at 00:11 UTC
    heh, if you like this 'careless' way of doing things then you may use this oneliner to obtain the same result:
    perl -ne 'BEGIN{@f=<*.mp3>}; chop; rename shift @f, sprintf("%02d +- %s.mp3", $., $_)' < titles


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