$ ./tutorial-p5.pl -g -d >& p5.txt $ ./tutorial-p6.pl -g -d .& p6.txt #### #!/usr/bin/env perl # file: tutorial-p5.pl # PRELIMS ======================== use v5.10; # features 'say' and 'state' use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; # p6: no such module yet use Data::Dumper; my $default_infile = 'tutorial-data.txt'; my $prog = basename $0; my $debug = 0; my $infile = 0; my $usage = "$prog: --go | --infile="; $usage .= ' | --help | ? [--debug[=N]]'; # ARG/OPTION HANDLING ======================== if (!@ARGV) { say $usage . "\n"; exit; } foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { my $oarg = $arg; # save original for error handling my $val = undef; my $idx = index $arg, q{=}; if ($idx >= 0) { $val = substr $arg, $idx+1; $arg = substr $arg, 0, $idx; } if ($arg eq '-g' || $arg eq '--go') { $infile = $default_infile; } elsif ($arg eq '-i' || $arg eq '--infile') { $infile = $val; } elsif ($arg eq '-d' || $arg eq '--debug') { $debug = defined $val ? $val : 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '--help' || $arg eq q{?}) { long_help(); } else { die "FATAL: Unknown argument '$oarg'.\n"; } } # MAIN PROGRAM ======================== die "FATAL: No such file '$infile'.\n" if (! -e $infile); my %user; my @keywords = qw(last first job); my %keywords; @keywords{@keywords} = (); parse_data_file($infile, \%user, $debug); if ($debug) { say 'DEBUG: Dumping user hash after loading:'; print Dumper(\%user); } else { say 'Normal end.'; } #### SUBROUTINES ======================== sub parse_data_file { my $fname = shift @_; my $href = shift @_; my $debug = shift @_ || 0; say "Parsing input file '$fname'..."; open my $fp, '<', $fname or die "$fname: $!"; my $uid = undef; my $linenum = 0; while (defined(my $line = <$fp>)) { ++$linenum; my $err = 0; # remove comments my $idx = index $line, q{#}; if ($idx >= 0) { $line = substr $line, 0, $idx; } # skip blank lines next if $line !~ /\S/xms; # every valid line must have a colon (':') # following a key word $idx = index $line, q{:}; if ($idx >= 0) { # ensure the key is lower case my $k = lc substr $line, 0, $idx; # trim ws on both ends $k =~ s{\A \s* | \s* \z}{}gxms; my $val = substr $line, $idx+1; # also needs trimming $val =~ s{\A \s* | \s* \z}{}gxms; # User attributes if ($k eq 'user') { $uid = $val; die 'FATAL: $uid not defined.' if !defined $uid; if ($uid =~ /\D/xms) { say 'ERROR: User ID not an integer.'; ++$err; } elsif ($uid <= 0) { say 'ERROR: User ID not an integer > 0.'; ++$err; } elsif (exists $href->{$uid}) { say 'ERROR: User ID is not unique.'; ++$err; } next; } # for the following keys, an exception will be # thrown if $uid is not defined if (!defined $uid) { say 'ERROR: User ID is not defined for this user.'; ++$err; } elsif ($k eq 'hobbies') { $href->{$uid}{hobbies} = []; my @h = split q{,}, $val; foreach my $h (@h) { # trim ws on both ends $h =~ s{\A \s* | \s* \z}{}gxms; push @{$href->{$uid}{hobbies}}, $h; } } elsif (exists $keywords{$k}) { $href->{$uid}{$k} = $val; } else { chomp $line; say 'ERROR: Unknown line format:'; say " '$line'"; ++$err; } } else { say 'ERROR: Unknown line format.'; ++$err; } if ($debug) { chomp $line; say STDERR "DEBUG: line = '$line'"; } if ($err) { chomp $line; say "FATAL error in file '$fname' at line $linenum:"; say " '$line'"; exit; } } } # parse_data_file sub long_help { say <<"HERE"; Usage (one of the following three): $prog --go (or '-g') $prog --infile= (or '-i=') $prog --help (or '-h' or '?') The '--go' option uses the default input file: $default_infile Any of the first two options can use the '-d' (or '--debug') flag for debugging. A debug number may be provided with '-d=N' (or '--debug=N'). HERE exit; } # long_help # EOF ======================== #### #!/usr/bin/env perl6 # file: tutorial-p6.pl # PRELIMS ======================== use v6.0; # not required, but good practice for # maintenance # 'strict' and 'warnings' are the default # Note: Using perl6 -v => # '2015.07.1-66-g0dcbba7 built on MoarVM version 2015.07-8-gb8fdeae' use Data::Dump; my $default_infile = 'tutorial-data.txt'; my $prog = basename($*PROGRAM); my $debug = 0; my $infile = 0; my $usage = "$prog: --go | --infile="; $usage ~= ' | --help | ? [--debug[=N]]'; # '~=' instead of '.=' # ARG/OPTION HANDLING ======================== # See [http://design.perl6.org/S06.html] # for built-in methods similar to Getopts::Long if !@*ARGS.elems { say $usage ~ "\n"; # '~' instead of '.' exit; } for @*ARGS -> $arg is copy { # 'is copy' allows modifying locally my $oarg = $arg; # save original for error handling my $val = Any; # 'Any' instead of 'undef' my $idx = index $arg, '='; if $idx.defined { # index is defined if an index is found $val = substr $arg, $idx+1; # use substr function $arg = substr $arg, 0, $idx; } if ($arg eq '-g' || $arg eq '--go') { $infile = $default_infile; } elsif ($arg eq '-i' || $arg eq '--infile') { $infile = $val; } elsif ($arg eq '-d' || $arg eq '--debug') { $debug = defined $val ? $val : 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '--help' || $arg eq q{?}) { long_help(); } else { die "FATAL: Unknown argument '$oarg'.\n"; } } # MAIN PROGRAM ======================== die "FATAL: No such file '$infile'.\n" if $infile.IO !~~ :f; my %user; my @keywords = ; my %keywords; %keywords{@keywords} = (); parse_data_file($infile, %user, $debug); if $debug { say "DEBUG: Dumping user hash after loading:"; say Dump(%user); } else { say 'Normal end.'; } #### SUBROUTINES ======================== sub parse_data_file(Str $fname, # declare args #Any $href, %href, Int $debug = 0) { say "Parsing input file '$fname'..."; my $uid = Any; # p6 doesn't use 'undef' my $linenum = 0; for $fname.IO.lines -> $line is copy { ++$linenum; my $err = 0; # remove comments my $idx = index $line, '#', 0; if defined $idx { $line = $line.substr(0, $idx); } # skip blank lines next if $line !~~ /\S/; # '~~' and '!~~' for matching # every valid line must have a colon (':') # following a key word $idx = $line.index(':'); if $idx.defined { # ensure the key is lower case my $k = $line.substr(0, $idx).lc; # trim ws on both ends $k = $k.trim; # string object method my $val = $line.substr($idx+1); # use object method # also needs trimming $val = $val.trim; # User attributes if $k eq 'user' { $uid = $val; die "FATAL: \$uid not defined." if !$uid.defined; if $uid ~~ /\D/ { say "ERROR: User ID not an integer."; ++$err; } elsif $uid <= 0 { say "ERROR: User ID not an integer > 0."; ++$err; } elsif %href{$uid}:exists { # 'exists' adverb say "ERROR: User ID is not unique."; ++$err; } next; } # for the following keys, an exception will be # thrown if $uid is not defined if !$uid.defined { say "ERROR: User ID is not defined for this user."; ++$err; } elsif $k eq 'hobbies' { # literal string keys must be quoted %href{$uid}<> = []; my @h = split ',', $val; for @h -> $h is rw { # trim ws on both ends $h .= trim; # literal string keys must be quoted # use '@()' instead of '@{} push @(%href{$uid}), $h; } } elsif %keywords{$k}:exists { %href{$uid}{$k} = $val; } else { $line .= chomp; say "ERROR: Unknown line format, \$k = '$k'."; say " '$line'"; ++$err; } } else { say 'ERROR: Unknown line format (no key).'; ++$err; } if $debug { $line .= chomp; say "DEBUG: line = '$line'"; } if $err { $line .= chomp; say "FATAL error in file '$fname' at line $linenum:"; say " '$line'"; exit; } } } # parse_data_file sub long_help { # note indent is taken from position of ending token say qq:to/HERE/; Usage (one of the following three): $prog --go (or '-g') $prog --infile= (or '-i=') $prog --help (or '-h' or '?') The '--go' option uses the default input file: $default_infile Any of the first two options can use the '-d' (or '--debug') flag for debugging. A debug number may be provided with '-d=N' (or '--debug=N'). HERE exit; } # long_help sub basename(IO::Path $fname) { # no File::Basename module in p6 yet my $idx = rindex $fname, '/'; if $idx { return $fname.substr($idx+1); # use substr method } return $fname; } # basename # EOF ======================== #### # file: tutorial-data.txt # a data file of users and their attributes # note all valid lines are in format "key: value..." user: 1234 # unique ID (an integer > zero) last: Brown first: Sam job: gunsmith # hobbies may be a comma-separated list hobbies: hunting, Perl Monging user: 2316 last: Doe first: Jane job: financial analyst hobbies: Python open source, bowling