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Re: Call for help for CPANTesters

by kevbot (Vicar)
on Sep 01, 2015 at 05:57 UTC ( [id://1140612]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Call for help for CPANTesters

The call for help blog post was updated. Here's the relevant part:
UPDATE 2015-08-31: Many thanks to all those who have emailed offering help. It is great to see several people stepping forward to volunteer their time. At the moment, one person with some great credentials, and experience of sites like CPAN Testers, has stepped forward and is taking a look over the server for me. I don't want to have too many cooks in the mix, so I'm letting him have first crack. More news when we've had a chance to do some more detailed investigation.
It's nice to see that people are offering to help.

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