Out of admiration for the PM voting and ranking system described in votes; I am inspired to suggest an implementation along its lines on a website being developed with a team of my friends. So as a proof of concept I wrote this interactive code that accepts: a member's reputation, (u)pvotes & (d)ownvotes, average likes per week as well as age of the node; then decides whether the number of u's or d's would result in reputation gain or loss relative to the current reputation.
As it is the code tests fine but I feel it could still use comments and anecdotal wisdom from the monks here, hence I posted it in Meditations.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
use Getopt::Long;
use Scalar::Util::Numeric qw(isint);
#age and avg_xp are calculated at the start of everyday.
#The avg_xp=sum(XP)/#nodes in the past 7 days.
#The program takes these two values in addition to #likes and #unlikes
+ to dynamically compute reputation gains and losses.
#Input for current reputation is prompted when it is time to update th
+e reputation.
my ($age, $avg_xp,$gained_rep, $lost_rep);
my ($upvotes, $downvotes, $total_rep);
my $current_rep; #variable to hold the current user reputation from th
+e user page.
my $vote; #a listener:either (u)pvote or (d)ownvote.
Readonly::Scalar my $args =>4; #program accepts two args & two vals
if(@ARGV != $args){die "syntax error: perl calculate_rep.pl --age n --
+avg_xp n\n";}
)or die "syntax error: perl calculate_rep.pl --age n --avg_xp n\n"
print "enter u for upvote or d for downvote\n";
chomp $vote;
if($vote =~/^u$/i){
analyze_upvotes($age, $upvotes);
print "ERROR: enter u for upvote or d for downvote\n";
sub analyze_upvotes{
my $node_age=shift;
my $like_counter=shift;
printf "you have %d likes\n",$like_counter;
if($like_counter==1){#reward the first upvote
rep_update($gained_rep,"gain", $like_counter);
if($age>2 && $like_counter>1){ #nodes older than two weeks get 1/5
+ rep increase
if(isint $gained_rep){ #reputation is reported when gained
+reputation sums to a whole number
rep_update($gained_rep,"gain", $like_counter);
}elsif($age<=2 && $like_counter>1){ #rep for nodes < 2 weeks o
+ld is calculated with avg_xp perspective
if($like_counter<=$avg_xp){ $gained_rep+=1/3; }
elsif($like_counter>$avg_xp && $like_counter<=2*$avg_x
+p){ $gained_rep+=1/2; }
elsif($like_counter>2*$avg_xp && $like_counter<=3*$avg
+_xp){ $gained_rep+=2/3; }
elsif($like_counter>3*$avg_xp && $like_counter<=4*$avg
+_xp){ $gained_rep+=3/4; }
elsif($like_counter>4*$avg_xp){$gained_rep+=1; $gained
+_rep=int $gained_rep; }
if(isint $gained_rep){
if($current_rep-$gained_rep==0){ #for when cur_rep
+=1 and gained_rep=1;
rep_update(1,"gain", $like_counter);
rep_update($gained_rep, "gain", $like_coun
sub analyze_downvotes{
my $node_age=shift;
my $unlike_counter=shift;
printf "you have %d unlikes\n", $unlike_counter;
if($unlike_counter<= 3*$avg_xp){ $lost_rep+=1/3; }
elsif($unlike_counter > 3*$avg_xp && $unlike_counter <= 4*
+$avg_xp){ $lost_rep+=1/4; }
elsif($unlike_counter > 4*$avg_xp){ $lost_rep+=0; }
if(isint $lost_rep){
rep_update($lost_rep, "loss", $unlike_counter);
}elsif($age>2){ $lost_rep+=0;}
sub rep_update{
my $rep_gain_loss=shift;
my $status=shift;
my $like_unlike_counter=shift;
print "what is the current user reputation?\n";
chomp $current_rep;
if($status eq "gain"){
my $total_gain=$current_rep + $rep_gain_loss;
printf "you gained %d points\nyour reputation is %d\n", $rep_g
+ain_loss, $total_gain;
}elsif($status eq "loss"){
my $total_loss=$current_rep-$rep_gain_loss;
printf "you lost %d reputation points\nyour reputation is
+%d\n", $rep_gain_loss,$total_loss;
I am also thinking about changing the way loss of reputation is done by basing it on a variable (say avg_unlike_xp) similar to the avg_xp that I currently use for calculating gain/loss or reputation. If I did this I won't be that benevolent of a dictator any more though as I could risk over-penalizing members.
Something or the other, a monk since 2009