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Re: Call for help for CPANTesters

by hippo (Archbishop)
on Oct 08, 2015 at 14:05 UTC ( [id://1144171]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Call for help for CPANTesters

Now that the systems have been restored further help is being sought, but this time it's financial. If you and/or your employers benefit from CPANTesters and would be sad to see it decline or (*shudder*) disappear, then please consider making a small recurring donation to ensure that this vital cog in the perl ecosystem remains well maintained.

FTAOD, I am not involved in running/maintaining either CPANTesters or the EPO. If I had not chanced upon the blog post linked above then this would have passed me by entirely. Please help to spread word of this appeal even if you are not able to donate.

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