yeah, yeah, it's another song (well, small portion of a song anyway) perl-ized.. tough, live with it.. it was just dyin to be on here!!

#!/usr/bin/perl # .................................. # you can ignore this if you want... # .................................. %perl = ('monk' => chr(80) . chr(105) . chr(120) . chr(105) . chr(101) . chr(115) ); sub heaven { print "$perl{@_[0]}\n"; } $man = 5; # ........................... # let the fun begin # ........................... { if ($man == 5) { $Devil = 6; if ($Devil == 6) { $God = 7; $this = 'monk'; &heaven($this); } } }
Everybody sing along!! woohoo!!
(bah.. once again, I've been awake waaayyy too long <big sheepish sleep-deprived grin>)