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How to parse HTML5?by NRan (Novice) |
on Mar 08, 2016 at 11:35 UTC ( [id://1157066]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
NRan has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Hi, I want to parse HTML5 tags. But unfortunately i can't do this due to some error( which i can't understand how to solve it) I use HTML::Tidy;, and it can't parse <section>, It generates error And Input is :-
My code is:-
And Error Log is :- foo.html (10:1) Error: <section> is not recognized! foo.html (10:1) Warning: discarding unexpected <section> foo.html (11:1) Error: <section> is not recognized! foo.html (11:1) Warning: discarding unexpected <section> foo.html (12:1) Error: <section> is not recognized! foo.html (12:1) Warning: discarding unexpected <section> foo.html (16:1) Warning: discarding unexpected </section> foo.html (17:1) Warning: discarding unexpected </section>
Thanks Nikhil Ranjan
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