Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

$rh->cmd('show interfaces xe-1/3/1 | match "Hardware address" '); my $output = $rh->get_response; my @outputlist = split /\n/, $output; foreach my $item (@outputlist) { $item =~ /($dd([:-])$dd(\2$dd){4})/o; print "mac address is $1\n"; my @mac_add = split(/:/, $1 ); print "at mac is @mac_add\n"; my $mac_R5 = join(".", @mac_add); print " final mac is $mac_R5\n";

output is mac address is 28:8a:1c:59:cc:85 at mac is 28 8a 1c 59 cc 85 final mac is I am trying to convert "final mac" output to 288a.1c59.cc85. I think to do this we have to put "at mac" output to an array 1..2 3..4 5..6 concatenate and then use join function. Is there a better way to do this with in the join function itself, rather than first putting in a separate array