This script uses the
Algorithm::Diff module to determine the differences between two scripts. Color coded HTML is used to highlight the differences. To store the output in a file you would typically call the script like:
$ perl oldfile newfile > outfile.htm
This code was inspired by code posted by merlyn at this node Showing differences between two sequences
Based on a snippet of code by merlyn as explicitly shown
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Algorithm::Diff qw(traverse_sequences);
use Getopt::Std;
my ($old_file, $new_file) = @ARGV[-2,-1];
&useage unless ( $old_file and $new_file and -e $old_file and -e $new_
+file );
# get options and file contents as array refs
our ( $opt_b, $opt_c );
my $skip_blanks = $opt_b;
my $skip_comments = $opt_c;
my $old = get( $old_file, $skip_blanks, $skip_comments );
my $new = get( $new_file, $skip_blanks, $skip_comments );
# print out the colour coded diff - common code is black
# code in $old_file but not $new_file is red
# code in $new_file but not $old_file is green
print "<pre>\n<h4>Color Key:\n";
print "<font color=red>".escapeHTML($old_file)."</font>\n";
print "<font color=green>".escapeHTML($new_file)."</font></h4>\n";
# this is snippet of code originally written by merlyn exactly as post
# it is the same as his except he forgot to escape the HTML in his exa
# traverse_sequences( $old, $new, {
# MATCH => sub { print escapeHTML($old->[shift]) },
# DISCARD_A => sub { print "<font color=red>" . escapeHTML($old->[s
+hift])."</font>" },
# DISCARD_B => sub { print "<font color=green>".escapeHTML($new->[s
+hift,shift])."</font>" },
# this is what I (silently) modified it to to demonstrate
# to merlyn that I knew another way to do it and can RTFS
# this is the same syntax used in the diff sub in the source
traverse_sequences( $old, $new, {
MATCH => sub { print escapeHTML($old->[$_[0]]) },
DISCARD_A => sub { print "<font color=red>" . escapeHTML($old->[$_
+[0]])."</font>" },
DISCARD_B => sub { print "<font color=green>".escapeHTML($new->[$_
+[1]])."</font>" },
print "</pre>\n";
sub get {
my ($file, $skip_blanks, $skip_comments ) = @_;
my @file;
open F, $file or die "Can't read $file: $!";
while (<F>) {
next if /^\s*$/ and $skip_blanks;
next if /^\s*#/ and $skip_comments;
push @file, $_;
close F;
return \@file;
sub escapeHTML {
local $_ = shift;
# make the required escapes
# change tabs to 4 spaces
s/\t/ /g;
# make the whitespace escapes - not required within <pre> tags
# s/( {2,})/" " x length $1/eg;
# make the brower bugfix escapes;
# make the PERL MONKS escapes (if desired)
# s/\[/[/g;
# s/\]/]/g;
# change newlines to <br> if desired - not required with <pre>
# s/\n/<br>\n/g;
return $_;
sub useage {
print qq(
Useage $0 -[b,c] <file1> <file2>
-b skip blank lines
-c skip comment only lines
HTML output to STDOUT
Here is an example of the output perl
Color Key:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "Hello World\n";
print "Hello World\n"
# do some more stuff.....
$foo = $bar;
$bar = $baz;
# this is a new line in
For the record here is an excerpt from the pod and the diff sub
in the source:
The arguments to C<traverse_sequences> are the two sequences to
traverse, and a callback which specifies the callback functions, like
traverse_sequences( \@seq1, \@seq2,
{ MATCH => $callback_1,
DISCARD_A => $callback_2,
DISCARD_B => $callback_3,
} );
Callbacks are invoked with at least the indices of the two arrows as
their arguments. They are not expected to return any values. If a
callback is omitted from the table, it is not called.
From the source here you can see two callbacks which push a + or -, the line (index) number and
the actual line into an array using syntax claimed by Randall.
sub diff
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $retval = [];
my $hunk = [];
my $discard = sub { push( @$hunk, [ '-', $_[ 0 ], $a->[$_[0]] ] )
my $add = sub { push( @$hunk, [ '+', $_[ 1 ], $b->[$_[1]] ] )
my $match = sub { push( @$retval, $hunk ) if scalar(@$hunk); $hu
+nk = [] };
traverse_sequences( $a, $b,
{ MATCH => $match,
DISCARD_A => $discard,
DISCARD_B => $add
}, @_ );
return wantarray ? @$retval : $retval;